To retrieve detailed information for every node in the cluster (including quorum nodes), use the following rhino-console commands or related MBean operations.

Console command: getclusterstate

Tip This command has been retrofitted to support reporting state information of all pool cluster members when using the pool clustering mode, however when using the pool clustering mode it is recommended to use the getpoolstate command instead.


    Display the current state of the Rhino Cluster


For every node in the cluster, retrieves detailed information on the:

  • node ID

  • type

    • When using the Savanna clustering mode, this type will be either event-router or quorum.

    • When using the pool clustering mode, this will be either event-router or dead (if the node has left the pool).

  • host name of the machine the node is running on (only in Savanna clustering mode)

  • time the node was started, and how long it has been alive

  • SLEE operational state

  • number of alarms currently raised on the node (only in Savanna clustering mode).


$ ./rhino-console getclusterstate
node-id   active-alarms   host               node-type      slee-state   start-time          up-time
--------  --------------  -----------------  -------------  -----------  ------------------  -----------------
     101               0   event-router      Stopped   20080327 12:16:26    0days,2h,40m,3s
     102               0   event-router      Running   20080327 12:16:30   0days,2h,39m,59s
     103               0         quorum          n/a   20080327 14:36:25    0days,0h,20m,4s

MBean operation: getClusterState


Rhino extension

public TabularData getClusterState()
  throws ManagementException;

(Refer to the javadoc for the structure of the TabularData returned by this operation.)

Console command: getpoolstate

Note This command can only be used with Rhino nodes configured to use the pool clustering mode.


getpoolstate [-verbose]
    Display the current state of the Rhino Pool


For every node in the pool, retrieves detailed information on the:

  • node ID

  • liveness state, one of undetermined, alive, assumed-alive, or dead

  • node state, one of BOOTING, OPERATIONAL, or SHUTDOWN

  • actual SLEE state

  • time the node was started, and how long it has been alive.

If the -verbose flag is used with the command, the following information is also included in the output:

  • the last update times for the heartbeat and pool metadata tables

  • the JMX contact point and Rhino interconnect addresses

  • the Rhino version the node is running.

The command will also summarise the number of rows output along with the number of known-live, assumed-live, and dead nodes (where the count of each type is greater than zero).


$ ./rhino-console getpoolstate
node-id   liveness-state   node-state    actual-slee-state   boot-time           up-time
--------  ---------------  ------------  ------------------  ------------------  -----------------
101                 alive   OPERATIONAL             running   20221117 09:19:36   0days,4h,31m,30s
102                 alive   OPERATIONAL             stopped   20221117 12:30:59    0days,1h,20m,7s
2 rows
2 known-live nodes

$ ./rhino-console getpoolstate -verbose
node-id   liveness-state   node-state    actual-slee-state   boot-time           up-time            last-heartbeat-update-time   last-metadata-update-time   jmx-address                                          interconnect-address                                    rhino-version
--------  ---------------  ------------  ------------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------------------  --------------------------  ---------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
101                 alive   OPERATIONAL             running   20221117 09:19:36   0days,4h,34m,30s            20221117 13:54:06           20221117 12:00:02,,,,   Rhino (version='3.2', release='1-SNAPSHOT', build='202211161536', revision='a8987e9bc6')
102                 alive   OPERATIONAL             stopped   20221117 12:30:59    0days,1h,23m,7s            20221117 13:54:05           20221117 13:51:05,,,,   Rhino (version='3.2', release='1-SNAPSHOT', build='202211161536', revision='a8987e9bc6')
2 rows
2 known-live nodes

MBean operation: getNodeMetadata

Note This operation can only be used with Rhino nodes configured to use the pool clustering mode.


Rhino extension

public TabularData getNodeMetadata()
  throws IllegalStateException, ManagementException;

(Refer to the javadoc for the structure of the TabularData returned by this operation.)

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Rhino Version 3.2