To set and get the interval between periodic active alarm logs, use the following rhino-console commands or related MBean operations.

Rhino periodically logs active alarms and the default interval is 60 seconds.

Note When using the pool clustering mode, like all configuration state, the alarm logging period is configured separately for each pool cluster node by invoking the relevant management operations on the node where the configuration needs to be queried or changed. Changing the alarm logging period will only affect the node the management operation is invoked on.



setalarmlogperiod <seconds>
    Sets the interval between periodic active alarm logs.
  Required Arguments
    seconds  The interval between periodic alarm logs. Setting to 0 will disable
    logging of periodic alarms.


To set log period to 30 seconds:

$ ./rhino-console setalarmlogperiod 30
  Active alarm logging period set to 30 seconds.



    Returns the interval between periodic active alarm logs.


To get alarm log period:

$ ./rhino-console getalarmlogperiod
  Active alarm logging period is currently 30 seconds.

MBean operations: setAlarmLogPeriod



Set the interval between periodic active alarm logs
public void setAlarmLogPeriod(int period) throws IllegalArgumentException, ConfigurationException;

Sets the interval between periodic active alarm logs. Setting the period to 0 will disable periodic alarm logging.

Get the interval between periodic active alarm logs
public int getAlarmLogPeriod() throws ConfigurationException;

Returns the interval between periodic active alarm logs.

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Rhino Version 3.2