To uninstall a deployable unit, use the following rhino-console command or related MBean operation.

Warning A deployable unit cannot be uninstalled if it contains any components that any other deployable unit installed in the SLEE depends on.

Console command: uninstall


uninstall <url>
    Uninstall a deployable unit jar


To uninstall a deployable unit which was installed with the given URL:

$ ./rhino-console uninstall file:/home/rhino/rhino/examples/sip-examples-2.0/lib/jsip-library-du-1.2.jar
uninstalled: DeployableUnitID[url=file:/home/rhino/rhino/examples/sip-examples-2.0/lib/jsip-library-du-1.2.jar]

Console command: cascadeuninstall


cascadeuninstall <type> <url|component-id> [-force] [-s]
    Cascade uninstall a deployable unit or copied component. The optional -force
    argument prevents the command from prompting for confirmation before the
    uninstall occurs. The -s argument removes the shadow from a shadowed component
    and is not valid for deployable units


To uninstall a deployable unit which was installed with the given URL and all deployable units that depend on this:

  $ ./rhino-console cascadeuninstall du file:du/ocsip-ra-
Cascade removal of deployable unit file:du/ocsip-ra- requires the following operations to be performed:
  Deployable unit file:jars/sip-registrar-service.jar will be uninstalled
    SBB with SbbID[name=RegistrarSbb,vendor=OpenCloud,version=1.8] will be uninstalled
    Service with ServiceID[name=SIP Registrar Service,vendor=OpenCloud,version=1.8] will be uninstalled
      This service will first be deactivated
  Deployable unit file:jars/sip-presence-service.jar will be uninstalled
    SBB with SbbID[name=EventStateCompositorSbb,vendor=OpenCloud,version=1.0] will be uninstalled
    SBB with SbbID[name=NotifySbb,vendor=OpenCloud,version=1.1] will be uninstalled
    SBB with SbbID[name=PublishSbb,vendor=OpenCloud,version=1.0] will be uninstalled
    Service with ServiceID[name=SIP Notification Service,vendor=OpenCloud,version=1.1] will be uninstalled
      This service will first be deactivated
    Service with ServiceID[name=SIP Presence Service,vendor=OpenCloud,version=1.1] will be uninstalled
      This service will first be deactivated
    Service with ServiceID[name=SIP Publish Service,vendor=OpenCloud,version=1.0] will be uninstalled
      This service will first be deactivated
  Deployable unit file:jars/sip-proxy-service.jar will be uninstalled
    SBB with SbbID[name=ProxySbb,vendor=OpenCloud,version=1.8] will be uninstalled
    Service with ServiceID[name=SIP Proxy Service,vendor=OpenCloud,version=1.8] will be uninstalled
      This service will first be deactivated
  Deployable unit file:du/ocsip-ra- will be uninstalled
    Resource adaptor with ResourceAdaptorID[name=OCSIP,vendor=OpenCloud,version=2.3.1] will be uninstalled
      Resource adaptor entity sipra will be removed
        This resource adaptor entity will first be deactivated
        Link name OCSIP bound to this resource adaptor entity will be removed

Continue? (y/n): y
Deactivating service ServiceID[name=SIP Registrar Service,vendor=OpenCloud,version=1.8]
Deactivating service ServiceID[name=SIP Notification Service,vendor=OpenCloud,version=1.1]
Deactivating service ServiceID[name=SIP Presence Service,vendor=OpenCloud,version=1.1]
Deactivating service ServiceID[name=SIP Publish Service,vendor=OpenCloud,version=1.0]
Deactivating service ServiceID[name=SIP Proxy Service,vendor=OpenCloud,version=1.8]
All necessary services are inactive
Deactivating resource adaptor entity sipra
All necessary resource adaptor entities are inactive
Uninstalling deployable unit file:jars/sip-registrar-service.jar
Uninstalling deployable unit file:jars/sip-presence-service.jar
Uninstalling deployable unit file:jars/sip-proxy-service.jar
Unbinding resource adaptor entity link name OCSIP
Removing resource adaptor entity sipra
Uninstalling deployable unit file:du/ocsip-ra-

Utility: cascade-uninstall


Uninstalls a deployable unit along with everything that depends on it

MBean operation: uninstall



public void uninstall(DeployableUnitID id)
  throws NullPointerException, UnrecognizedDeployableUnitException,
         DependencyException, InvalidStateException, ManagementException;

Uninstalls the given deployable unit jar file (along with all the components it contains) out of the SLEE.

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Rhino Version 3.2