To activate or deactivate a threshold-alarm rule, use the following rhino-console commands or related MBean operations.

Activate Rules

Console command: activatethresholdrule


activatethresholdrule <name>
    Activate a threshold alarm rule


To activate the rule with the name "low memory":

$ ./rhino-console activatethresholdrule "low memory"
Threshold rule low memory activated
Tip You can also activate a rule by exporting it, modifying the XML, and then reimporting it (assuming the active parameter in the rule is set to true — see Configuring Rules).

MBean operation: activateRule


Rhino operation

public void activateRule()
    throws ConfigurationException;

This operation activates the threshold-alarm rule represented by the ThresholdRuleMBean.

Warning threshold rule scan period must be configured to a non-zero value before Rhino will evaluate active threshold-alarm rules.

Deactivate rules

Console command: deactivatethresholdrule


deactivatethresholdrule <name>
    Deactivate a threshold alarm rule


To deactivate the rule with the name "low memory":

$ ./rhino-console deactivatethresholdrule "low memory"
Threshold rule low memory deactivated

MBean operation: deactivateRule


Rhino operation

public void deactivateRule()
    throws ConfigurationException;

This operation deactivates the threshold-alarm rule represented by the ThresholdRuleMBean.

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Rhino Version 3.2