To manage port and interface bindings when a new Rhino node joins the cluster, use the following rhino-console commands to configure Rhino SNMP system settings for the default subnet and port range, allowing loopack addresses, and saving address and port bindings.

Warning These settings only affect nodes which don’t have previously saved interface/port configuration settings. If a node has previously saved settings, it will attempt to use those values. If it cannot (for example, if the port is in use by another application), then the SNMP agent will not start on that node.

Any changes to these settings will require a restart of the SNMP agent to take effect.



setsnmpsubnet <x.x.x.x/y>
    Sets the default subnet used by the Rhino SNMP agent when initially determining
    addresses to bind to.
Note Leaving this as will bind to all interfaces present on a host, except those excluded by other options (see below). This option is primarily intended for use in situations where a host has multiple interfaces of which only one is intended for SNMP use.



setsnmpportrange <low port> <high port>
    Sets the default port range used by the Rhino SNMP agent.
Note This setting is intended for hosts which run multiple Rhino nodes.



setloopbackaddressesallowed <true|false>
    Specifies whether loopback interfaces will considered (true) or not (false) when
    binding the SNMP agent to addresses. This setting will be ignored if only
    loopback addresses are available.



setaddressbindingssaved <true|false>
    Specifies whether the address bindings used by the SNMP agent for individual
    Rhino nodes are persisted in the Rhino configuration.

This is set to false by default to allow seamless operation on machines which may have changing interface settings.

If set to true, the first interface(s) that the SNMP agent for a node binds to will be saved as per-node configuration, and will be reused on subsequent restarts.



setportbindingssaved <true|false>
    Specifies whether the port bindings used by the SNMP agent for individual Rhino
    nodes are persisted in the Rhino configuration.
Note This is set to true by default, to ensure that the SNMP agent for individual nodes retains the same port across restarts.
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Rhino Version 3.2