To activate one or more services, use the following rhino-console command or related MBean operation.

Console command: activateservice


activateservice <service-id>* [-nodes node1,node2,...] [-ifneeded]
    Activate a service (on the specified nodes)


To activate the Call Barring and Call Forwarding services on nodes 101 and 102:

$ ./rhino-console activateservice \
  "name=Call Barring Service,vendor=OpenCloud,version=0.2" \
  "name=Call Forwarding Service,vendor=OpenCloud,version=0.2" \
  -nodes 101,102
Activating services [ServiceID[name=Call Barring Service,vendor=OpenCloud,version=0.2],
  ServiceID[name=Call Forwarding Service,vendor=OpenCloud,version=0.2]] on node(s) [101,102]
Services transitioned to the Active state on node 101
Services transitioned to the Active state on node 102

MBean operation: activate



Activate on all nodes
public void activate(ServiceID id)
    throws NullPointerException, UnrecognizedServiceException,
        InvalidStateException, InvalidLinkNameBindingStateException,

public void activate(ServiceID[] ids)
    throws NullPointerException, InvalidArgumentException,
        UnrecognizedServiceException, InvalidStateException,
        InvalidLinkNameBindingStateException, ManagementException;

Rhino’s implementation of the SLEE-defined activate operation will attempt to activate particular services on all current event-router nodes in the primary component. For this to work, the specified services must be in the INACTIVE state on those nodes.

Rhino extension

Activate on specific nodes
public void activate(ServiceID id, int[] nodeIDs)
    throws NullPointerException, InvalidArgumentException,
        UnrecognizedServiceException, InvalidStateException,

public void activate(ServiceID[] ids, int[] nodeIDs)
    throws NullPointerException, InvalidArgumentException,
        UnrecognizedServiceException, InvalidStateException,

Rhino provides an extension that adds a argument to let you control the nodes on which to activate the specified services (by specifying node IDs). For this to work, the specified services must be in the INACTIVE state on the specified nodes.

Warning A service may require resource adaptor entity link names to be bound to appropriate resource adaptor entities before it can be activated. (See Getting Link Bindings Required by a Service and Managing Resource Adaptor Entity Link Bindings.)
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Rhino Version 2.6.2