To stop SLEE event-routing functions on one or more nodes, use the following rhino-console command or related MBean operation.

Console command: stop


stop [-nodes node1,node2,...] [-reassignto -node3,node4,...] [-ifneeded]
    Stop the SLEE (on the specified nodes (reassigning replicated activities to the
    specified nodes))


To stop nodes 101 and 102:

$ ./rhino-console stop -nodes 101,102
Stopping SLEE on node(s) [101,102]
SLEE transitioned to the Stopping state on node 101
SLEE transitioned to the Stopping state on node 102

To stop only node 101 and reassign replicated activities to node 102:

$ ./rhino-console stop -nodes 101 -reassignto 102
Stopping SLEE on node(s) [101]
SLEE transitioned to the Stopping state on node 101
Replicated activities reassigned to node(s) [102]

To stop node 101 and distribute replicated activities of each replicating resource adaptor entity to all other eligible nodes (those on which the resource adaptor entity is in the ACTIVE state and the SLEE is in the RUNNING state), specify an empty (zero-length) argument for the -reassignto option:

$ ./rhino-console stop -nodes 101 -reassignto ""
Stopping SLEE on node(s) [101]
SLEE transitioned to the Stopping state on node 101
Replicated activities reassigned to node(s) [102,103]
Tip See also Reassigning a Resource Adaptor Entity’s Activities to Other Nodes, particularly the Requirements tab.

MBean operation: stop



Stop all nodes
public void stop()
  throws InvalidStateException, ManagementException;

Rhino’s implementation of the SLEE-defined stop operation attempts to transition all event-router nodes in the primary component from the RUNNING to the STOPPING state. For this to work, all nodes must begin in the RUNNING state.

Rhino extensions

Stop specific nodes
public void stop(int[] nodeIDs)
  throws NullPointerException, InvalidArgumentException,
    InvalidStateException, ManagementException;

Rhino provides an extension that adds an argument which lets you control which nodes to stop (by specifying node IDs). For this to work, specified nodes must begin in the RUNNING state.

Reassign activities to other nodes
public void stop(int[] stopNodeIDs, int[] reassignActivitiesToNodeIDs)
  throws NullPointerException, InvalidArgumentException,
    InvalidStateException, ManagementException;

Rhino also provides an extension that adds another argument, which lets you reassign ownership of replicated activities (from replicating resource adaptor entities) from the stopping nodes, distributing the activities of each resource adaptor entity equally among other event-router nodes where the resource adaptor entity is eligible to adopt them. With a smaller set of activities, the resource adaptor entities on the stopping nodes can more quickly return to the INACTIVE state (which is required for the SLEE to transition from the STOPPING to the STOPPED state). This only works for resource adaptor entities that are replicating activity state (see the description of the "Rhino-defined configuration property" on the MBean tab on Creating a Resource Adaptor Entity). See also Reassigning a Resource Adaptor Entity’s Activities to Other Nodes, in particular the Requirements tab.

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Rhino Version 2.6.2