To configure a threshold alarm rule:

View rules

To view a current threshold alarm rule., use the getconfig console command:


getconfig [-namespace] <configuration type> [configuration key]
    Extract and display content of a container configuration key.  The optional
    -namespace argument must be used to get the config of a namespace-specific key.
    If no key is specified the configs of all keys of the given type are shown


To display the threshold alarm rule named "low_memory":

$ ./rhino-console getconfig threshold-rules "rule/low_memory"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE rhino-threshold-rules-config PUBLIC "-//Open Cloud Ltd.//DTD Rhino Threshold Rules Config 2.3//EN" "rhino-threshold-rules-config-2.3.dtd">
<rhino-threshold-rules-config config-version="2.3" rhino-version="Rhino (version='2.5', release='1.0', build=xxx, revision=xxx)" timestamp="xxx">
    <!-- Generated Rhino configuration file: xxxx-xx-xx -->
    <threshold-rules active="false" name="low_memory">
        <trigger-conditions name="Trigger conditions" operator="OR" period="0">
            <relative-threshold operator="&lt;=" value="0.2">
                <first-statistic calculate-delta="false" parameter-set="JVM.OperatingSystem" statistic="freePhysicalMemorySize"/>
                <second-statistic calculate-delta="false" parameter-set="JVM.OperatingSystem" statistic="totalPhysicalMemorySize"/>
        <reset-conditions name="Reset conditions" operator="OR" period="0"/>
            <raise-alarm-action level="Major" message="Low on memory" type="MEMORY"/>

Export rules

To save a threshold rule configuration to a file for editing, use the exportconfig console command:


exportconfig [-namespace] <configuration type> [configuration key] <filename>
    Extract content of a container configuration key and save it to a file.  The
    optional -namespace argument must be used to export the config of a
    namespace-specific key


To export the threshold alarm rule named "low memory" to the file rule_low_memory.xml:

$ ./rhino-console exportconfig threshold-rules "rule/low memory" rule_low_memory.xml
Export threshold-rules: (rule/low memory) to rule_low_memory.xml
Wrote rule_low_memory.xml
Note The structure of the exported data in the XML file is identical to that displayed by the getconfig command.

Edit rules

You can modify a rule using a text editor. In the following example, a reset condition has been added to a rule previously exported, so that the alarm raised will automatically clear when free memory becomes greater than 30%. (Previously the reset-conditions element in this rule had no conditions.)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE rhino-threshold-rule PUBLIC "-//Open Cloud Ltd.//DTD Rhino Threshold Rule 2.0//EN"
<rhino-threshold-rule config-version="2.3" rhino-version="Rhino (version='2.5', release='00',
  build=xxx, revision=xxx)" timestamp=xxx>
    <!-- Generated Rhino configuration file: xxxx-xx-xx -->
    <threshold-rules active="false" name="low memory">
        <trigger-conditions name="Trigger conditions" operator="OR" period="0">
            <relative-threshold operator="&lt;=" value="0.2">
                <first-statistic calculate-delta="false" parameter-set="JVM.OperatingSystem" statistic="freePhysicalMemorySize"/>
                <second-statistic calculate-delta="false" parameter-set="JVM.OperatingSystem" statistic="totalPhysicalMemorySize"/>
        <reset-conditions name="Reset conditions" operator="OR" period="0">
            <relative-threshold operator="&gt;" value="0.3">
                <first-statistic calculate-delta="false" parameter-set="JVM.OperatingSystem" statistic="freePhysicalMemorySize"/>
                <second-statistic calculate-delta="false" parameter-set="JVM.OperatingSystem" statistic="totalPhysicalMemorySize"/>
            <raise-alarm-action level="Major" message="Low on memory" type="MEMORY"/>

Import rules

To import the modified threshold alarm rule file, use the importconfig console command:


importconfig [-namespace] <configuration type> <filename> [-replace]
    Import a container configuration key.  The optional -namespace argument must be
    used to import a config for a namespace-specific key


To import the threshold alarm rule from the file rule_low_memory.xml:

$ ./rhino-console importconfig threshold-rules rule_low_memory.xml -replace
Configuration successfully imported.
Warning The -replace option is required when importing a rule with the same name as an existing rule, as there can be only one rule configuration with a given name present at any one time.
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Rhino Version 2.6.2