To manage the log level for a log, use the following rhino-console command or related MBean operation.

Console command: setloglevel


setloglevel <logKey> <logLevel>
    Set the log level for a logger.
  Required Arguments
    logKey  The log key of the logger.
    logLevel  The log level.


$ ./rhino-console  setloglevel rhino.main info
Log level for rhino.main set to: INFO

Console command: getloglevel


getloglevel <logKey>
    Get the configured log level for a logger. Displays the effective log level if
    no explicit level is set.
  Required Arguments
    logKey  The log key of the logger.


$ ./rhino-console getloglevel rhino
Logger rhino does not exist but it has sub-loggers.
Log level for rhino is not set.
Effective (inherited) log level is: INFO

$ ./rhino-console getloglevel rhino.main
Log level for rhino.main is: INFO
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Rhino Version 2.6.2