Tip Generally, you will not need to configure the command console for Rhino (the instructions below are for custom use).

Below are instructions on configuring ports and usernames and passwords for rhino-console.

Configure rhino-console ports

If another application is occupying the default command-console port (1199), you can change the configuration to use a different instead. For example, to use port 1299:

  1. Go to the $RHINO_BASE/client directory.
    (This directory will hereafter be referred to as $CLIENT_HOME.)

  2. Edit the $CLIENT_HOME/etc/client.properties file, to configure the RMI properties as follows:

  3. Edit the $RHINO_BASE/etc/defaults/config/config_variables file (and $RHINO_BASE/node-XXX/config/config_variables for any node directory that has already been created) to specify port numbers as follows:

Warning You need to restart each Rhino node for these changes to take effect.

Configure rhino-console usernames and passwords

To edit or add usernames and passwords for accessing Rhino with the command console, edit the $RHINO_BASE/rhino.passwd file. Its format is:


The role names must match roles defined in the $RHINO_BASE/etc/defaults/config/defaults.xml file or those otherwise configured at runtime (see Security).

Warning You need to restart the Rhino node for these changes to take effect.
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Rhino Version 2.6.2