The cascade-uninstall script uninstalls a deployable unit from Rhino — and everything that depends on it, including:

  • other deployable units that directly or indirectly depend on components contained in the deployable unit being uninstalled

  • services defined in deployable units that are being uninstalled

  • profile tables created from profile specifications defined in deployable units that are being uninstalled

  • resource adaptor entities created from resource adaptors defined in deployable units that are being uninstalled.

The script deactivates all services and resource adaptor entities that are to be removed and are in the ACTIVE state, and waits for them to reach the INACTIVE state before proceeding to uninstall the deployable unit.

Below are command-line options and sample uses of cascade-uninstall:


$ ./cascade-uninstall
Valid command line options are:
-h <host>       - The hostname to connect to.
-p <port>       - The port to connect to.
-u <username>   - The user to authenticate as.
-w <password>   - The password used for authentication.
-D              - Display connection debugging messages.
-n <namespace>  - Select namespace to perform the actions on.
-l              - List installed deployable units.
-d <url>        - Uninstall specified deployable unit.
-c <id>         - Uninstall specified copied or linked component.
-s <id>         - Remove the shadow from the specified shadowed component.
-y              - Assume a yes response to the uninstall confirmation.
                  Information about what will be removed from the SLEE prior
                  to removal is not displayed and components are removed
                  without user confirmation.

If any of the -h, -p, -u, or -w are not specified, the defaults from the client directory the script is run from are used.

Typically you would only need use the -l option to list the deployable units installed, then the -d option to uninstall the required deployable unit.


To list all deployable units installed in Rhino:

$ ./cascade-uninstall -l
Connecting to localhost:1199
The following deployable units are installed:

To uninstall the deployable unit with the URL file:rhino/units/insis-base-du_2.0.jar, along with all its dependents:

$ ./cascade-uninstall -d file:rhino/units/insis-base-du_2.0.jar
Connecting to localhost:1199
Cascade removal of deployable unit file:rhino/units/insis-base-du_2.0.jar requires the following operations to be performed:
Deployable unit file:rhino/units/insis-scs-test-service-du.jar will be uninstalled
SBB with SbbID[name=IN-SIS Test Service Composition Selector SBB,vendor=OpenCloud,version=0.2] will be uninstalled
Service with ServiceID[name=IN-SIS Test Service Composition Selector Service,vendor=OpenCloud,version=0.2] will be uninstalled
This service will first be deactivated
Deployable unit file:rhino/units/insis-swcap-du_2.0.jar will be uninstalled
Resource adaptor with ResourceAdaptorID[name=IN-SIS Signalware CAP,vendor=OpenCloud,version=2.0] will be uninstalled
Resource adaptor entity insis-cap1b will be removed
This resource adaptor entity will first be deactivated
Resource adaptor entity insis-cap1a will be removed
This resource adaptor entity will first be deactivated
Deployable unit file:rhino/units/insis-scs-ratype-du_2.0.jar will be uninstalled
Resource adaptor type with ResourceAdaptorTypeID[name=IN-SIS Service Composition Selection,vendor=OpenCloud,version=2.0] will be uninstalled
Event type with EventTypeID[,vendor=OpenCloud,version=2.0] will be uninstalled
Deployable unit file:rhino/units/insis-base-du_2.0.jar will be uninstalled
Profile specification with ProfileSpecificationID[name=IN-SIS Initial Trigger Rule Profile,vendor=OpenCloud,version=1.0] will be uninstalled
Profile table initial-trigger-selection-rules will be removed
Profile specification with ProfileSpecificationID[name=IN-SIS Service Composition Profile,vendor=OpenCloud,version=1.0] will be uninstalled
Profile table service-compositions will be removed
Profile specification with ProfileSpecificationID[name=IN-SIS Macro Profile,vendor=OpenCloud,version=1.0] will be uninstalled
Profile table initial-trigger-selection-macros will be removed
Profile specification with ProfileSpecificationID[name=IN-SIS Configuration,vendor=OpenCloud,version=2.0] will be uninstalled
Profile table insis-configs will be removed
Profile specification with ProfileSpecificationID[name=IN-SIS Service Configuration,vendor=OpenCloud,version=2.0] will be uninstalled
Profile table service-configs will be removed
Profile specification with ProfileSpecificationID[name=IN-SIS Address Subscription,vendor=OpenCloud,version=2.0] will be uninstalled
Profile table address-subscriptions will be removed
Profile specification with ProfileSpecificationID[name=IN-SIS Trigger Address Tracing,vendor=OpenCloud,version=2.0] will be uninstalled
Profile table trigger-address-tracing will be removed
Profile specification with ProfileSpecificationID[name=IN-SIS Service Key Subscription,vendor=OpenCloud,version=2.0] will be uninstalled
Profile table service-key-subscriptions will be removed
Library with LibraryID[name=IN-SIS Scripting Provider,vendor=OpenCloud,version=1.0] will be uninstalled

Continue? (y/n): y
Deactivating service ServiceID[name=IN-SIS Test Service Composition Selector Service,vendor=OpenCloud,version=0.2]
All necessary services are inactive
Deactivating resource adaptor entitiy insis-cap1b
Deactivating resource adaptor entitiy insis-cap1a
All necessary resource adaptor entities are inactive
Uninstalling deployable unit file:rhino/units/insis-scs-test-service-du.jar
Removing resource adaptor entity insis-cap1b
Removing resource adaptor entity insis-cap1a
Uninstalling deployable unit file:rhino/units/insis-swcap-du_2.0.jar
Uninstalling deployable unit file:rhino/units/insis-scs-ratype-du_2.0.jar
Removing profile table initial-trigger-selection-rules
Removing profile table service-compositions
Removing profile table initial-trigger-selection-macros
Removing profile table insis-configs
Removing profile table service-configs
Removing profile table address-subscriptions
Removing profile table trigger-address-tracing
Removing profile table service-key-subscriptions
Uninstalling deployable unit file:rhino/units/insis-base-du_2.0.jar
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Rhino Version 2.6.2