To retrieve the basic operational state of a node, use the following rhino-console command or related MBean operation.

Console command: state


state [-nodes node1,node2,...]
    Get the state of the SLEE (on the specified nodes)


The rhino-console client displays the operational state of the specified node(s), or every event-router node in the primary component if none are specified.


To display the state of only node 101:

$ ./rhino-console state -nodes 101
Node 101 is Stopped

To display the state of every event-router node:

$ ./rhino-console state
Node 101 is Stopped
Node 102 is Running

MBean operation: getState



Return state of current node
public SleeState getState()
  throws ManagementException;

Rhino’s implementation of the SLEE-defined getState operation returns the state of the node where the operation is invoked.

Rhino extension

Return state of specific nodes
public SleeState[] getState(int[] nodeIDs)
  throws NullPointerException, InvalidArgumentException,

Rhino provides an extension that adds an argument which lets you control which nodes to examine (by specifying node IDs).

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Rhino Version 2.6.2