The script provides functionality to operate on the SLEE state either for nodes on this host, or on the cluster as a whole.

It provides a global control point for all nodes in the cluster.

For convenience of administration the script can discover the running set of nodes; however for more control, or if managing multiple clusters, the set of nodes can be configured in the environment. The environment variables used are:

RHINO_SLEE_NODES   - List of Rhino SLEE event router node IDs on this host. If
                     not specified, will discover nodes automatically.
RHINO_QUORUM_NODES - List of Rhino quorum nodes IDs on this host.

The values of these variables can be specified, if necessary, in the file rhino.env.


The commands below control the state of the SLEE on nodes of a Rhino cluster.
They are run by executing <command> <arguments>, for example: start -nodes 101,102
Command What it does

Starts the SLEE on the cluster or on a set of nodes.

Use with no arguments to start the cluster, or with the argument -nodes and a comma-separated list of nodes.


Stops the SLEE on the cluster or a set of nodes.

Use with no arguments to stop the cluster, or with the argument -nodes and a comma-separated list of nodes.


Reboots the cluster or a set of nodes.

Use the argument -cluster to restart all nodes, or -nodes and a comma-separate list of nodes to restart. When rebooting, you also need to provide a list of states, one for each node being restarted. For example for a four-node cluster: reboot -nodes 102,103 -states running,running

would reboot nodes 102 and 103, and set the state of each to running. reboot -cluster -states stopped,stopped,running,running

would reboot all four nodes, and set the states to stopped for 101 and 102 and to running for 103 and 104.


Shuts down the cluster or a set of nodes, stopping them if required.

  • The argument -cluster shuts down all nodes in the cluster.

  • The argument -local shuts down all nodes running on this host machine.

  • The argument -nodes with a comma-separated list of nodes shuts down the set of nodes specified.


Prints the state of all the nodes in the cluster.

Also available as the alias st.


Runs a management command using the Rhino console.

Also available as the aliases cmd and c.

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Rhino Version 2.6.2