The JMX Remote Adaptor m-let is a fundamental component of Rhino.

All OpenCloud management tools use the JMX Remote Adaptor to connect to Rhino. This component must be present and active, or Rhino cannot be managed! The JMX Remote API is defined by the Java Management Extensions (JMX) Remote API (jsr 160). The JMX Remote Adaptor uses the JMX Remote API to expose a management port at the following URL:

service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://<rhino host>:<rhino jmx-r port>/opencloud/rhino

JMX Remote and OpenCloud tools

All OpenCloud management tools (the command-line console, the Rhino Element Manager, the stats client, the import-export tool) all use the JMX Remote API to connect to Rhino using the JMX Remote Adaptor. (See also Building Custom OA&M Tools with Rhino Remote API.)

JMX Remote Adaptor configuration options

Warning In normal conditions you should not need to change the configuration of this component!
<mlet enabled="true">
  <!-- the local rmi registry port -->
  <!-- the local jmx connector port -->
  <!-- enable ssl -->

As Rhino starts, it pre-processes m-let configuration files, substitutes configuration variables and creates a working m-let configuration file in the node-XXX/work/config subdirectory. Note the following arguments:

Argument Description Default


rmi registry port

The port of the RMI registry that the JMX Adaptor registers itself with.



local JMX connector port

The JRMP port the JMX Remote Adaptor listens on.



enable SSL

Whether SSL is enabled.

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Rhino Version 2.6.2