To remove all SBB entities of a service, use the following rhino-console command or related MBean operation.

Use extreme care when removing forcibly

Occasionally an administrator will want to remove all SBB entities in a particular service. Typically, this would be to deactivate the service when upgrading or reconfiguring. Under normal conditions, these actions would be performed automatically, by allowing existing SBB entities to drain over time. Rhino provides the following housekeeping commands to forcibly speed up the draining process, although these should be used with extreme care on production systems — they will interrupt service for any existing network activities belonging to the service.

Service (or SLEE) must be STOPPING

As a safeguard, this command (or MBean operation) cannot be run unless the specified service, or the SLEE, is in the STOPPING state on the specified nodes. (It may also be run against nodes where the service is in the INACTIVE state (or the SLEE is in the STOPPED state) for convenience in asymmetric cluster configurations, but has no affect against such nodes since no SBB entities exist for the service on nodes where the service is INACTIVE (or the SLEE is STOPPED).)

Console command: removeallsbbs


removeallsbbs <serviceid> [-nodes node1,node2,...]
    Remove all SBBs from a service in the Stopping state (on the specified nodes)


To remove all SBB entities for the SimpleService service on nodes 101 and 102:

$ ./rhino-console removeallsbbs name=SimpleService,vendor=OpenCloud,version=1.1 \
    -nodes 101,102
SBB entities removed from node(s) [101,102]

MBean operation: removeAllSbbs


Rhino operation

public void removeAllSbbs(ServiceID serviceID, int[] nodeIDs)
    throws NullPointerException, UnrecognizedServiceException, InvalidStateException, ManagementException;

This operation removes all SBB entities for the given service on the given nodes.

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Rhino Version 2.6.2