Static Rhino monitoring parameter sets

All of the statically defined parameter set OID mappings that are available in a clean install of Rhino are listed below.

This is the list of the base OID’s which will be used to represent stats from each parameter set.

Parameter Set Type OID Mappings
================================        (active)     Events        (active)     Activities        (active)     StagingThreads        (active)     LockManagers        (active)     Services        (active)     Transactions        (active)     ObjectPools        (active)     MemDB-Local       (active)     MemDB-Replicated       (active)     LicenseAccounting       (active)     ActivityHandler       (active)     JVM       (active)     EventRouter       (active)     JDBCDatasource       (active)     Limiters       (active)     StagingThreads-Misc       (active)     EndpointLimiting       (active)     ExecutorStats       (active)     TimerFacility       (active)     MemDB-Timestamp       (active)     PooledByteArrayBuffer       (active)     UnpooledByteArrayBuffer

Static Rhino monitoring parameter set counter mappings

The static counter mappings are listed below.

Counter Mappings
 Activities                                2 created
 Activities                                3 ended
 Activities                                4 rejected
 Activities                                5 active
 Activities                                6 startSuspended
 Activities                                7 suspendActivity
 ActivityHandler                           2 txCreate
 ActivityHandler                           3 txFire
 ActivityHandler                           4 txEnd
 ActivityHandler                           5 nonTxCreate
 ActivityHandler                           6 nonTxFire
 ActivityHandler                           7 nonTxEnd
 ActivityHandler                           8 nonTxLookup
 ActivityHandler                           9 txLookup
 ActivityHandler                          10 nonTxLookupMiss
 ActivityHandler                          11 txLookupMiss
 ActivityHandler                          12 ancestorCount
 ActivityHandler                          13 gcCount
 ActivityHandler                          14 generationsCollected
 ActivityHandler                          15 activitiesCollected
 ActivityHandler                          16 activitiesUnclean
 ActivityHandler                          17 activitiesScanned
 ActivityHandler                          18 administrativeRemove
 ActivityHandler                          19 livenessQueries
 ActivityHandler                          20 timersSet
 ActivityHandler                          21 timersCancelled
 ActivityHandler                          22 localLockRequests
 ActivityHandler                          23 foreignLockRequests
 ActivityHandler                          24 create
 ActivityHandler                          25 end
 ActivityHandler                          26 fire
 ActivityHandler                          27 lookup
 ActivityHandler                          28 lookupMiss
 ActivityHandler                          29 churn
 ActivityHandler                          30 liveCount
 ActivityHandler                          31 tableSize
 ActivityHandler                          32 timerCount
 ActivityHandler                          33 lockRequests
 EndpointLimiting                          2 submitted
 EndpointLimiting                          3 accepted
 EndpointLimiting                          4 userAccepted
 EndpointLimiting                          5 userRejected
 EndpointLimiting                          6 licenseRejected
 EventRouter                               2 eventHandlerStages
 EventRouter                               3 rollbackHandlerStages
 EventRouter                               4 cleanupStages
 EventRouter                               5 badGuyHandlerStages
 EventRouter                               6 vEPs
 EventRouter                               7 rootSbbFinds
 EventRouter                               8 sbbsResolved
 EventRouter                               9 sbbCreates
 EventRouter                              10 sbbExceptions
 EventRouter                              11 processingRetrys
 Events                                    2 accepted
 Events                                    3 rejected
 Events                                    4 failed
 Events                                    5 successful
 Events                                    6 rejectedQueueFull
 Events                                    7 rejectedQueueTimeout
 Events                                    8 rejectedOverload
 ExecutorStats                             2 executorTasksExecuted
 ExecutorStats                             3 executorTasksExecuting
 ExecutorStats                             4 executorTasksRejected
 ExecutorStats                             5 executorTasksSubmitted
 ExecutorStats                             6 executorTasksWaiting
 ExecutorStats                             7 executorThreadsIdle
 ExecutorStats                             8 executorThreadsTotal
 JDBCDatasource                            2 create
 JDBCDatasource                            3 removeIdle
 JDBCDatasource                            4 removeOverflow
 JDBCDatasource                            5 removeError
 JDBCDatasource                            6 getRequest
 JDBCDatasource                            7 getSuccess
 JDBCDatasource                            8 getTimeout
 JDBCDatasource                            9 getError
 JDBCDatasource                           10 putOk
 JDBCDatasource                           11 putOverflow
 JDBCDatasource                           12 putError
 JDBCDatasource                           13 inUseConnections
 JDBCDatasource                           14 idleConnections
 JDBCDatasource                           15 pendingConnections
 JDBCDatasource                           16 totalConnections
 JDBCDatasource                           17 maxConnections
 JVM                                       2 heapUsed
 JVM                                       3 heapCommitted
 JVM                                       4 heapInitial
 JVM                                       5 heapMaximum
 JVM                                       6 nonHeapUsed
 JVM                                       7 nonHeapCommitted
 JVM                                       8 nonHeapInitial
 JVM                                       9 nonHeapMaximum
 JVM                                      10 classesCurrentLoaded
 JVM                                      11 classesTotalLoaded
 JVM                                      12 classesTotalUnloaded
 LicenseAccounting                         2 accountedUnits
 LicenseAccounting                         3 unaccountedUnits
 Limiters                                  2 unitsUsed
 Limiters                                  3 unitsRejected
 Limiters                                  4 unitsRejectedByParent
 LockManagers                              2 locksAcquired
 LockManagers                              3 locksReleased
 LockManagers                              4 lockWaits
 LockManagers                              5 lockTimeouts
 LockManagers                              6 knownLocks
 LockManagers                              7 acquireMessages
 LockManagers                              8 abortMessages
 LockManagers                              9 releaseMessages
 LockManagers                             10 migrationRequestMessages
 LockManagers                             11 migrationReleaseMessages
 MemDB-Local                               2 committedSize
 MemDB-Local                               3 maxCommittedSize
 MemDB-Local                               4 churnSize
 MemDB-Local                               5 cleanupCount
 MemDB-Replicated                          2 committedSize
 MemDB-Replicated                          3 maxCommittedSize
 MemDB-Replicated                          4 churnSize
 MemDB-Replicated                          5 cleanupCount
 MemDB-Timestamp                           2 waitingThreads
 MemDB-Timestamp                           3 unexposedCommits
 ObjectPools                               2 added
 ObjectPools                               3 removed
 ObjectPools                               4 overflow
 ObjectPools                               5 miss
 ObjectPools                               6 size
 ObjectPools                               7 capacity
 ObjectPools                               8 pruned
 PooledByteArrayBuffer                     2 out
 PooledByteArrayBuffer                     3 in
 PooledByteArrayBuffer                     4 added
 PooledByteArrayBuffer                     5 removed
 PooledByteArrayBuffer                     6 overflow
 PooledByteArrayBuffer                     7 miss
 PooledByteArrayBuffer                     8 poolSize
 PooledByteArrayBuffer                     9 bufferSize
 PooledByteArrayBuffer                    10 poolCapacity
 Services                                  2 rootSbbsCreated
 Services                                  3 rootSbbsRemoved
 Services                                  4 activeRootSbbs
 StagingThreads                            2 itemsAdded
 StagingThreads                            3 itemsCompleted
 StagingThreads                            4 queueSize
 StagingThreads                            5 numThreads
 StagingThreads                            6 availableThreads
 StagingThreads                            7 minThreads
 StagingThreads                            8 maxThreads
 StagingThreads                            9 activeThreads
 StagingThreads                           10 peakThreads
 StagingThreads                           11 dropped
 StagingThreads-Misc                       2 itemsAdded
 StagingThreads-Misc                       3 itemsCompleted
 StagingThreads-Misc                       4 queueSize
 StagingThreads-Misc                       5 numThreads
 StagingThreads-Misc                       6 availableThreads
 StagingThreads-Misc                       7 minThreads
 StagingThreads-Misc                       8 maxThreads
 StagingThreads-Misc                       9 activeThreads
 StagingThreads-Misc                      10 peakThreads
 StagingThreads-Misc                      11 dropped
 TimerFacility                             2 cascadeOverflow
 TimerFacility                             3 cascadeWheel1
 TimerFacility                             4 cascadeWheel2
 TimerFacility                             5 cascadeWheel3
 TimerFacility                             6 jobsExecuted
 TimerFacility                             7 jobsRejected
 TimerFacility                             8 jobsScheduled
 TimerFacility                             9 jobsToOverflow
 TimerFacility                            10 jobsToWheel0
 TimerFacility                            11 jobsToWheel1
 TimerFacility                            12 jobsToWheel2
 TimerFacility                            13 jobsToWheel3
 TimerFacility                            14 jobsWaiting
 TimerFacility                            15 tasksCancelled
 TimerFacility                            16 tasksFixedDelay
 TimerFacility                            17 tasksFixedRate
 TimerFacility                            18 tasksImmediate
 TimerFacility                            19 tasksOneShot
 TimerFacility                            20 tasksRepeated
 TimerFacility                            21 ticks
 Transactions                              2 active
 Transactions                              3 started
 Transactions                              4 committed
 Transactions                              5 rolledBack
 UnpooledByteArrayBuffer                   2 out
 UnpooledByteArrayBuffer                   3 in
 UnpooledByteArrayBuffer                   4 bytesAllocated
 UnpooledByteArrayBuffer                   5 bytesDiscarded

Dynamic Rhino monitoring parameter sets

For any usage parameter sets that do not have statically defined OID’s the OID is dynamically generated. Ranges for dynamic OIDs are listed below.


100 - 199









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Rhino Version 2.6.2