To retrieve the operational state of a resource adaptor entity, use the following rhino-console command or related MBean operation.

Console command: getraentitystate


getraentitystate <entity-name> [-nodes node1,node2,...]
    Get the state of a resource adaptor entity (on the specified nodes)


The rhino-console client displays the operational state of the specified node(s), or every event-router node in the primary component if none are specified.


To display the state of the resource adaptor entity with the name sipra on every event-router node:

$ ./rhino-console getraentitystate sipra
Resource adaptor entity is Inactive on node 101
Resource adaptor entity is Active on node 102

To display the state of the resource adaptor entity on only node 101:

$ ./rhino-console getraentitystate sipra -nodes 101
Resource adaptor entity is Inactive on node 101

MBean operation: getState



Return state of resource adaptor entity on current node
public ResourceAdaptorEntityState getState(String entityName)
    throws NullPointerException,

Rhino’s implementation of the SLEE-defined getState operation returns the state of a resource adaptor entity on the node where you invoke the operation.

Rhino extension

Return state of resource adaptor entity on specified node(s)
public ResourceAdaptorEntityState[] getState(String entityName, int[] nodeIDs)
    throws NullPointerException, InvalidArgumentException,
    UnrecognizedResourceAdaptorEntityException, ManagementException;

Rhino provides an extension that adds an argument which lets you control the nodes on which to return the state of the resource adaptor entity (by specifying node IDs).

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Rhino Version 2.6.2