To list all alarms that may be raised by Rhino and installed components (including their messages, and when raised and cleared), use the following rhino-console command.

Console command: alarmcatalog


alarmcatalog [-v]
    List the alarms that may be raised by Rhino and installed components. Using the
    -v flag will display more detail.


$ ./rhino-console alarmcatalog

  Rhino Alarms

    Source                 Category                  Level     Alarm Type and Message
    ------                 --------                  -----     ----------------------
    Abnormal Execution     AbnormalExecution         WARNING   rhino.uncaught-exception  "Uncaught exception thrown by thread %s: %s"
    Activity Handler       Activity Handler          WARNING   rhino.ah.snapshot-age  "Oldest activity handler snapshot is older than %s, snapshot is %s (from %d), creating thread: %s"
    Cluster State          Clustering                MAJOR     rhino.node-failure  "Node %d has left the cluster"

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And this displays more detail:

$ ./rhino-console alarmcatalog -v
Rhino Alarms

Source: Abnormal Execution

  Category: AbnormalExecution (Alarms raised as a result of an abnormal execution condition being detected)

    Alarm Type:  rhino.uncaught-exception
    Level:       WARNING
    Message:     "Uncaught exception thrown by thread %s: %s"
    Description: An uncaught exception has been detected.
    Raised:      When an uncaught exception has been thrown.
    Cleared:     Never, must be cleared manually or Rhino restarted with the source of the uncaught exception corrected.

Source: Activity Handler

  Category: Activity Handler (Alarms raised by Rhino activity handler)

    Alarm Type:  rhino.ah.snapshot-age
    Level:       WARNING
    Message:     "Oldest activity handler snapshot is older than %s, snapshot is %s (from %d), creating thread: %s"
    Description: The oldest activity handler snapshot is too old.
    Raised:      When the age of the oldest activity handler snapshot is greater than the threshold set by the rhino.ah.snapshot_age_warn system property (30s default).
    Cleared:     When the age of the oldest snapshot is less than or equal to the threshold.

Source: Cluster State

  Category: Clustering (Alarms raised by Rhino cluster state changes)

    Alarm Type:  rhino.node-failure
    Level:       MAJOR
    Message:     "Node %d has left the cluster"
    Description: A node left the cluster for some reason other than a management-initiated shutdown.
    Raised:      When the cluster state listener detects a node has left the cluster unexpectedly.
    Cleared:     When the failed node returns to the cluster.

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Rhino Version 3.1