A Rhino management sub task that configures and enables ramp up of limiter rate for an input limiter.

For the in-built system input rate limiter:

  • The start rate and rate increment are expressed in total events processed by the node.

  • The events per increment specifies how many events must be successfully processed before the allowed rate will ramp up by the rate increment.

For user-defined rate limiters:

  • The start rate and rate increment are expressed as a percentage of the maximum configured units of work available to the limiter. For example, if the maximum rate for the limiter is 400 work units per time unit and the start rate is set to 20.0 then the ramp will begin with an allowed consumption rate of 20% of 400 or 80 work units per time unit.

  • The events per increment specifies how many work units must be accepted by the limiter, ie. units not rate limited, before the allowed rate will ramp up by the rate increment.

Ant Parameters
Attribute Description Required


The name of the limiter to configure and enable ramp up for.

No. If not specified then the ramping of the system input rate limiter is enabled.


The initial number of events per second for the system input limiter (a double).



The incremental number of events per second added to the allowed rate if Rhino is successfully processing work (a double).



The number of events processed before Rhino will add rateincrement events to the allowed rate (an integer).



Flag to control failure behaviour. If 'true', the sub task will throw a BuildException when an error is encountered. If 'false', the sub task will throw a NonFatalBuildException instead of a BuildException under specific circumstances. See below for conditions (if any) which will cause a NonFatalBuildException.

No. default value is taken from the Rhino management parent task.

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Rhino Version 3.1