Threshold Alarms can be configured for a limiter based on any limiter statistics.

Note See the Configuring Rules section for general instructions on installing threshold alarm rules, and the configuration example on this page.

Pre-existing alarms

By default Rhino has two threshold alarms pre-configured to indicate when one of the two pre-configured limiters rejects work: the SystemInput Rejecting Work alarm for the SystemInput limiter, and the QueueSaturation Rejecting Work alarm for the QueueSaturation limiter. Each rate limiter may also generate a Negative capacity alarm if it reaches a limit to the amount of forced work it can keep track of.

SystemInput rejecting work

Alarm Message

SystemInput rate limiter is rejecting work



Instance ID




Raised if…​

…​the SystemInput limiter is rejecting work for more than one second.

Cleared if…​

…​the SystemInput limiter has not rejected any work for five seconds.

Example output

2009-03-02 17:13:43.893  Major   [rhino.facility.alarm.manager]   <Timer-2> Alarm 101:136455512705:8
    was raised at 2009-03-02 17:13:43.893 to level Major
        SystemInput rate limiter is rejecting work

QueueSaturation Rejecting Work

Alarm Message

QueueSaturation limiter is rejecting work



Instance ID




Raised if…​

…​the QueueSaturation limiter is rejecting work for more than one second.

Cleared if…​

…​the QueueSaturation limiter has not rejected any work for five seconds.

Example output

2009-03-02 17:16:37.697  Major   [rhino.facility.alarm.manager]   <Timer-1> Alarm 101:136455512705:10
    was raised at 2009-03-02 17:16:34.592 to level Major
          QueueSaturation limiter is rejecting work

Negative capacity alarm

Alarm Message

Token count in rate limiter "<LIMITER_NAME>" capped at negative saturation point on node <NODE_ID>. Too much work has been forced. Alarm will clear once token count >= 0.



Instance ID




Raised if…​

…​a very large number of units have been forcibly used and the internal token counter has reached the biggest possible negative number (-2,147,483,648).

Cleared if…​

…​token counter >= 0

Example output

2009-03-05 01:14:59.597  Warning [rhino.facility.alarm.manager]   <Receiver for switchID 1236168893> Alarm 101:136654511648:16

  was raised at 2009-03-05 01:14:59.596 to level Warning
        Token count in rate limiter "SystemInput" capped at negative saturation point on node 101.
        Too much work has been forced. Alarm will clear once token count >= 0.

Threshold alarm example

The following configuration example defines the pre-existing system-input-limiter-rejecting-work alarm.

<threshold-rules active="true" name="system-input-limiter-rejecting-work">
    <trigger-conditions name="Trigger conditions" operator="OR" period="1000">
        <simple-threshold operator="&gt;" value="0.0">
            <select-statistic calculate-delta="true" parameter-set="Limiters.SystemInput" statistic="unitsRejected"/>
    <reset-conditions name="Reset conditions" operator="OR" period="5000">
        <simple-threshold operator="==" value="0.0">
            <select-statistic calculate-delta="true" parameter-set="Limiters.SystemInput" statistic="unitsRejected"/>
        <raise-alarm-action level="Major" message="SystemInput rate limiter is rejecting work" type="LIMITING"/>
Tip The default threshold alarms can be modified or removed as needed.
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Rhino Version 3.1