The Rhino remote library is a collection of utility classes to help write remote management clients for Rhino. This library does not implement any proprietary interface to Rhino — it makes using the standard JMX interfaces easier. Rhino implements the JMX Remote API (as per jsr 160) using the Rhino JMX Remote Adaptor. A JMX client can also be written to connect to Rhino using the JMX Remote API directly, without using the Rhino remote library.

When would I use Rhino remote library ?

The most common reason to used the Rhino remote library is to implement a service-specific operations-administration-and-maintenance (OA&M) interface. For example:

  • a web interface to provision profiles interactively

  • a graphical application to monitor statistics in real time

  • a command-line tool to refresh a profile data cache from a master database

  • a daemon process to listen for alarm notifications and forward them to a third-party O&M platform.

How would I use Rhino remote library?

The basic steps to using the Rhino remote library are:

  1. Create a connection using RhinoConnectionFactory.

  2. Create a proxy object for the MBean you want to invoke operations on.

  3. Invoke the MBean operation by invoking the method on the proxy object.

For example, to stop the SLEE:

MBeanServerConnection connection = RhinoConnectionFactory.connect(properties);
SleeManagementMBean sleeMBean = SleeManagement.getSleeManagementMBean(connection);
Tip See also the Rhino Remote API Javadoc.
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Rhino Version 3.1