During normal operation, all SLEE management and profile data resides in Rhino’s own in-memory distributed database. The memory database is fault tolerant and can survive the failure of a node. However, for management and profile data to survive a total restart of the cluster, it must be persisted to a permanent, disk-based data store. Metaswitch Rhino SLEE uses an external database for this purpose, both PostgreSQL and Oracle databases are supported.

When to export instead of backing up

You can only successfully restore database backups using the same Rhino SLEE version as the backup was made from. For backups that can reliably be used for restoring to different versions of the Rhino SLEE, create an export image of the SLEE.

The procedures for backup and restore of the external database that Rhino stores persistent state differs depending on the database vendor. Consult the documentation provided by your database vendor.

PostgreSQL documentation for PostgreSQL 9.6 can be found at https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.6/static/backup.html

Oracle documentation for Oracle Database 12C R2 can be found at https://docs.oracle.com/database/122/BRADV/toc.htm

When installing Rhino a database schema is initialised. To backup the Rhino database you must dump a copy of all the tables in this schema. The schema to be backed up is the database name chosen during the Rhino installation. This value is stored as the MANAGEMENT_DATABASE_NAME variable in the file $RHINO_HOME/config/config_variables where $RHINO_HOME is the path of a rhino node directory.

Database schema

The tables below are typical of a Rhino installation. Depending on your deployed services and configuration the schema may contain more tables than these. Backups should always include all the tables to allow restoration to a usable state without additional manual operations.

Table Contents

Names of tables holding data for MemDB keyspaces and config options for these keyspaces. Each MemDB instance contains a number of keyspaces for different types of stored data. These are mapped to tables in the persistent DB.


Snapshot timestamps and MemDB generation IDs for persistent MemDB databases. This table records the current timestamp for each persistent MemDB so nodes can determine which backing database holds the most recent version when starting up. See About Persistence Resources for an explanation of how to use multiple redundant backing databases for persistent storage.

 domain-0-rhino_management_RHINO internal metadata suppocfa90e0c
  domain-0-rhino_management_RHINO internal metadata suppo302ee56d

Rhino configuration data. Each table contains one keyspace for a different type of configuration data, e.g. SLEE state.


Deployed service classes. Entries correspond to jars, metadata files and checksums for deployed components.

 domain-0-rhino_profiles_Profile Table 1:ProfileOCBB

Profile table data. Each table corresponds to a profile table in the SLEE. Each record corresponds to a profile in the profile table.

 domain-0-rhino_profiles_Profile Table 1:ProfileIndexAddressOCBB

Index data for the profile tables. Each indexed field in a profile has a matching table *ProfileIndex<Indexed Field>OCBB.

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Rhino Version 3.1