To export a Rhino SLEE using rhino-export, see the following instructions, example, and list of files exported.

Invoke rhino-export

To export a Rhino SLEE, use the $RHINO_HOME/client/bin/rhino-export shell script.

Warning You cannot run rhino-export unless the Rhino SLEE is available and ready to accept management commands, and you include at least one argument — the name of the directory to write the export image to.

Command-line arguments

You can include the following command-line arguments with rhino-export:

$ client/bin/rhino-export
Valid command line options are:
-h <host>            - The hostname to connect to.
-p <port>            - The port to connect to.
-u <username>        - The user to authenticate as.
-w <password>        - The password used for authentication.
-D                   - Display connection debugging messages.
-J                   - Export profile tables using JMX and write as XML. (default)
-R                   - Take a snapshot of profile tables and write as raw data.
                       The raw data files can be decoded later using snapshot-to-export.
-s                   - Only export DUs and component states. Does not export
                       configuration (object pools, logging, licenses). This
                       is useful for creating exports to migrate data
                       between Rhino versions.
-q                   - Quiet mode.  Disables profile export progress bar.
                       This is useful in cases where the terminal is too small
                       for the progress bar to display properly, or when
                       console output is being redirected to a pipe or file.
<output-directory>   - The destination directory for the export.

Usually, only the <output-directory> argument must be specified.
All other arguments will be read from ''.

Sample export

For example, an export might run as follows:

user@host:~/rhino/client/bin$ ./rhino-export ../../rhino_export
Connecting to localhost:1199
Exporting state from the default namespace...
9 deployable units found to export
Establishing dependencies between deployable units...
Exporting file:jars/sip-profile-location-service.jar...
Exporting file:jars/sip-presence-event.jar...
Exporting file:du/jsip-library-1.2.du.jar...
Exporting file:du/jsip-ratype-1.2.du.jar...
Exporting file:du/ocsip-ratype-2.2.du.jar...
Exporting file:du/ocsip-ra-
Exporting file:jars/sip-registrar-service.jar...
Exporting file:jars/sip-presence-service.jar...
Exporting file:jars/sip-proxy-service.jar...
Generating import build file...
Exporting 1 profile(s) from profile table sip-registrations
Export complete

Exported files

The exporter creates a new sub-directory, such as rhino_export (as specified by argument), that contains all the deployable units that are installed in the SLEE, and an Ant script called build.xml which can be used later to initiate the import process.

If there are any user-defined namespaces, each of these are exported into separate Ant scripts named namespace-<namespace-name>.xml which can be used individually to restore only the corresponding namespace.

Here is an example export subdirectory:

user@host:~/rhino$ cd rhino_export/
user@host:~/rhino/rhino_export$ ls

Exported files and directories include:

File or directory Description

The main Ant build file, which gives Ant the information it needs to import all the components of this export directory into the SLEE.


An Ant build file, as above, but specific to a user-defined namespace.

Contains configuration information, specifically the location of the Rhino "client" directory where required Java libraries are found.


A directory containing the licenses and configured state that the SLEE should have.


A directory containing deployable units.


A directory containing XML files with the contents of profile tables.


Directories containing "snapshots" of profile tables. These are binary versions of the XML files in the profiles directory, created only by the export process (and not used for importing). See Profile Snapshots.

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Rhino Version 3.1