Activity information

The getactivityinfo console command displays the following values about an activity:

Field Description

The activity’s primary key. Uniquely identifies this activity within Rhino.


The activity object, in string form. Its exact content is resource adaptor dependent (and may or may not contain useful human-readable information).


The database generation in which the activity was created.


Boolean flag indicating if the activity is ending.


The number of events that have been submitted for processing on the activity.


Hexadecimal value of the flags the activity was created with (if any).


The activity handle assigned by the activity’s resource adaptor entity, in string form. The exact content is resource adaptor dependent (and may or may not contain useful human-readable information).


The event at the head of the activity’s event queue (the next event to be processed on the activity).


When the most recent event was submitted on the activity.


The namespace that the activity resides in.


The Rhino cluster node that currently owns the activity. If this value is different to the submission-node field, the activity must be a replicated activity that was reassigned to this node.

If this value is negative, then the activity is currently non-resident. This means that the state for the activity was replicated to an external key/value store, the node that the activity was previously assigned to has failed, and the activity has not yet been adopted by any remaining cluster node. The absolute value of the node ID represents the node that the activity was last assigned to.


The resource adaptor entity that created this activity.


The method of activity replication. This field will have one of the following values:

  • NONE — the activity is not replicated

  • SAVANNA — the activity is replicated using the traditional savanna framework

  • KEY_VALUE_STORE — the activity is replicated using an external key/value store.


When the activity was created.


The Rhino cluster node that created the activity.


When the activity was last updated (when the most recent database generation record was created). Useful in some situations for evaluating whether an activity is still live.

A list of events queued for processing on the activity.

A list of generational information stored in the database for the activity. If getactivityinfo includes the -v option, all generations display (otherwise just the most recent displays).

Event-queue information

The getactivityinfo console command displays the following values for each event in an activity’s event queue:

Field Description

The position of the event in the queue.


The event-type component identifier of the event.


The event object, in string form. Its exact content is resource adaptor dependent (and may or may not contain useful human-readable information).


Hexadecimal value of the flags the event was fired with (if any).

Generational information

The getactivityinfo console command displays values for the following fields, in an activity’s generational information:

Field Description

Not displayed as a field but included in square brackets before the rest of the generational information, for example: [76343].


The number of references made to the activity by the Timer Facility and the Activity Context Naming Facility.


Boolean flag indicating if the activity no longer exists in the SLEE. Only true if the activity has ended but has not yet been garbage collected.

A list of SBBs attached to the activity.

A list of Timer Facility timers set on the activity.

Attached-SBB information

The getactivityinfo console command displays values for the following fields, for each SBB entity attached to an activity:

Field Description

The primary key of the SBB entity.


The namespace the attached SBB entity resides in. This will always be equal to the namespace in which the activity resides.


The component identifier of the SBB for the SBB entity.


The component identifier of the service the SBB belongs to.

Activity-timer information

The getactivityinfo console command displays values for the following fields, for each timer active on an activity:

Field Description

The primary key of the timer.


The namespace that the timer exists in. This will always be equal to the namespace in which the activity resides.


The primary key of the activity the timer is set on.


The time the timer was initially set.


The timer period (for periodic timers).


The number of repetitions the timer will fire before it expires.


Boolean flag indicating if missed timers should still fire an event into the SLEE.


Boolean flag indicating whether or not the timer is replicated. This flag will only be set to true if the activity the timer was set on has a replication mode of SAVANNA.

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Rhino Version 3.1