addscattercastendpoints adds one or more new endpoints to the scattercast endpoints set.

This must be done before the new node is booted because a node cannot boot if it is not in the scattercast endpoints set. After running the add command successfully, the scattercast endpoints file must be copied from an existing node to the new node. This cannot be done with rhino-management commands.

Note If an endpoint is added with the wrong ip/port, this can be resolved by deleting and re-adding the endpoint.


addscattercastendpoints <node,ip-address[,port]>*
    Add scattercast endpoints for new cluster members. If port is omitted, one will
    be assigned automatically.


Add endpoints for nodes 102, 103:

[Rhino@localhost (#1)] addscattercastendpoints 102, 103,
Endpoints added successfully. Displaying new scattercast endpoints mappings:
NodeID   Address
-------  --------------------
3 rows

Attempt to add an invalid address:

[Rhino@localhost (#4)] addscattercastendpoints 104,
Multicast addresses are not permitted in scattercast endpoints:
Invalid usage for command 'addscattercastendpoints'.  Usage:
  addscattercastendpoints <node,ip-address[,port]>*
     Add scattercast endpoints for new cluster members. If port is omitted, one will
     be assigned automatically.

Add a node while node 102 has changed disk state:

[Rhino@localhost (#7)] addscattercastendpoints 104,
Failed to add endpoints:
Node 102 reports: Disk state does not match memory state. No write commands available.
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Rhino Version 3.1