As summarised on the Command-Line Console (rhino-console) page, you can view:

  • rhino-console command usage and a list of command categories, by entering the help command with the rhino-console script (./rhino-console --help).

  • help on a particular command, by entering help, specifying the command, within the console:

    help [command | command-type]
    get help on available commands
  • a list of rhino-console commands in a particular category, by entering help <category name | command name substring>. For example:

    [Rhino@localhost (#1)] help getclusterstate
        Display the current state of the Rhino Cluster

Version-specific commands

Console commands may depend on the Rhino version

Some rhino-console commands work with SLEE 1.1 or 1.0 only.

As an example of version-specific rhino-console commands: between SLEE 1.0 and SLEE 1.1, underlying tracing has changed significantly. As per the SLEE 1.1 specification, the settracerlevel command can only be used for SBBs, profile abstract classes and resource adaptors (and potentially other SLEE subsystems based on SLEE 1.1-compliant specifications).

As detailed below, the settracelevel command has been deprecated in SLEE 1.1, replaced by settracerlevel. However you can still use settracelevel to set the trace level of a SLEE 1.0-compliant component.

settracerlevel (SLEE 1.1)

Console command: settracerlevel


settracerlevel <type> <notif-source> <tracer> <level>
    Set the trace level for a notification source's tracer


$ ./rhino-console settracerlevel sbb
    "service=ServiceID[name=SIP Proxy Service,vendor=OpenCloud,version=1.8],
     sbb=SbbID[name=ProxySbb,vendor=OpenCloud,version=1.8]" "" Finest
Set trace level of
    SbbNotification[service=ServiceID[name=SIP Proxy Service,vendor=OpenCloud,version=1.8],
          sbb=SbbID[name=ProxySbb,vendor=OpenCloud,version=1.8]] root tracer to Finest

MBean operation: TraceMBean

The TraceMBean management interface has been extended in SLEE 1.1 so that management clients can easily enable tracing for a particular NotificationSource and tracer name:



public void setTraceLevel(NotificationSource notificationSource, String tracerName, TraceLevel level)
    throws NullPointerException, UnrecognizedNotificationSourceException,
          InvalidArgumentException, ManagementException;


For this operation, you need to specify the:

  • notificationSource — notification source

  • tracerName — name of the tracer to assign the trace level to (an empty string denotes the root tracer)

  • level — trace-filter level to assign to the tracer.

settracelevel (SLEE 1.0)

Console command: settracelevel


 settracelevel <type> <id> <level>
Set the trace level for a component


$ ./rhino-console settracelevel sbb "name=FT PingSbb,vendor=OpenCloud,version=1.0" Finest
    set trace level of SbbID[name=FT PingSbb,vendor=OpenCloud,version=1.0] to Finest

MBean operation: TraceMBean

Warning This method has been deprecated, since it uses a ComponentID to identify a notification source (which is not compatible with the changes made to the tracing subsystem in SLEE 1.1). It has been replaced with setTracerLevel(NotificationSource, String, TraceLevel)`.



public void setTraceLevel(ComponentID id, Level traceLevel)
    throws NullPointerException, UnrecognizedComponentException, ManagementException


For this operation, you need to specify the:

  • id — identifier of the component

  • traceLevel — new trace-filter level for the component.

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Rhino Version 3.1