To find SBB entities in the SLEE, use the following rhino-console command or related MBean operation.

Console command: findsbbs


findsbbs [-maxpernode maxrows] [-node nodeid] <-service service> [-sbb sbb]
[-created-after date|time|offset] [-created-before date|time|offset]
    Find SBBs.


Option Abbreviation Description
 -maxpernode <maxrows>

Retrieve at most this many SBB entities from each event-router node (default is 100). Can be used to limit Rhino’s load when processing the request.

 -node <node-id>

Only display activities owned by the given node.

 -service <service>

Look for SBB entities owned by the named service (must be specified).

 -sbb <sbb>

Only display SBB entities of the named SBB.

 -created-after <time>

Only display SBB entities created after the given time.

 -created-before <time>

Only display SBB entities created before the given time.

Times for the above options may be entered in either absolute or relative format:

Type Format Description Examples


 [[yyyy/]MM/dd] [HH:mm[:ss]]

yyyy = the year
MM = the month (1-12)
dd = the date of the month (1-31)
HH = the hour (0-23)
mm = the minute (0-59)
ss = the second (0-59)

2008/04/15 10:57:35



nn = a number
d = days
h = hours
m = minutes
s = seconds


Rhino assumes relative time format is in the past. For example, 1h30m means 1 hour and 30 minutes ago.


To display all SBB entities owned by the SimpleService service in the SLEE:
$ ./rhino-console findsbbs -service name=SimpleService,vendor=OpenCloud,version=1.1
pkey                             creation-time       namespace   node  parent-pkey   replicated   sbb-component-id                                   service-component-id
-------------------------------  ------------------  ----------  ----- ------------  -----------  -------------------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------------
101:219902028358655/965121714     20180614 21:23:16                101                     false  SbbID[name=SimpleSbb,vendor=OpenCloud,version=1.1  ServiceID[name=SimpleService,vendor=OpenCloud,ver
101:219902028358656/996141521     20180614 21:23:18                101                     false  SbbID[name=SimpleSbb,vendor=OpenCloud,version=1.1  ServiceID[name=SimpleService,vendor=OpenCloud,ver
101:219902028358657/1027161328    20180614 21:23:19                101                     false  SbbID[name=SimpleSbb,vendor=OpenCloud,version=1.1  ServiceID[name=SimpleService,vendor=OpenCloud,ver
101:219902028358658/1058181135    20180614 21:23:21                101                     false  SbbID[name=SimpleSbb,vendor=OpenCloud,version=1.1  ServiceID[name=SimpleService,vendor=OpenCloud,ver
102:219902028482559/499417899     20180614 21:23:16                102                     false  SbbID[name=SimpleSbb,vendor=OpenCloud,version=1.1  ServiceID[name=SimpleService,vendor=OpenCloud,ver
102:219902028482560/561457513     20180614 21:23:17                102                     false  SbbID[name=SimpleSbb,vendor=OpenCloud,version=1.1  ServiceID[name=SimpleService,vendor=OpenCloud,ver
102:219902028482561/623497127     20180614 21:23:18                102                     false  SbbID[name=SimpleSbb,vendor=OpenCloud,version=1.1  ServiceID[name=SimpleService,vendor=OpenCloud,ver
102:219902028482562/685536741     20180614 21:23:21                102                     false  SbbID[name=SimpleSbb,vendor=OpenCloud,version=1.1  ServiceID[name=SimpleService,vendor=OpenCloud,ver
103:219902030044671/-392412623    20180614 21:23:17                103                     false  SbbID[name=SimpleSbb,vendor=OpenCloud,version=1.1  ServiceID[name=SimpleService,vendor=OpenCloud,ver
103:219902030044672/-361392816    20180614 21:23:18                103                     false  SbbID[name=SimpleSbb,vendor=OpenCloud,version=1.1  ServiceID[name=SimpleService,vendor=OpenCloud,ver
103:219902030044673/-330373009    20180614 21:23:19                103                     false  SbbID[name=SimpleSbb,vendor=OpenCloud,version=1.1  ServiceID[name=SimpleService,vendor=OpenCloud,ver
11 rows
To narrow the search:

To search for SBB entities belonging to node 102 (replicated or non-replicated SBB entities owned by 102) that are more than one hour old, you would use the parameters -node 102 and -cb 1h:

$ ./rhino-console findsbbs -service name=SimpleService,vendor=OpenCloud,version=1.1 -node 102 -cb 1h
pkey                             creation-time       namespace   node  parent-pkey   replicated   sbb-component-id                                   service-component-id
-------------------------------  ------------------  ----------  ----- ------------  -----------  -------------------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------------
102:219902028482559/499417899     20180614 21:23:16                102                     false  SbbID[name=SimpleSbb,vendor=OpenCloud,version=1.1  ServiceID[name=SimpleService,vendor=OpenCloud,ver
102:219902028482560/561457513     20180614 21:23:17                102                     false  SbbID[name=SimpleSbb,vendor=OpenCloud,version=1.1  ServiceID[name=SimpleService,vendor=OpenCloud,ver
102:219902028482561/623497127     20180614 21:23:18                102                     false  SbbID[name=SimpleSbb,vendor=OpenCloud,version=1.1  ServiceID[name=SimpleService,vendor=OpenCloud,ver
102:219902028482562/685536741     20180614 21:23:21                102                     false  SbbID[name=SimpleSbb,vendor=OpenCloud,version=1.1  ServiceID[name=SimpleService,vendor=OpenCloud,ver
4 rows

This example returned four SBB entities.

MBean operations: getSbbs


Rhino operations

Get summary information for all SBB entities owned by a service
public TabularData getSbbs(int maxPerNode, ServiceID serviceID)
    throws UnrecognizedServiceException, ManagementException;

This operation returns tabular data summarising all SBB entities in the given service.

Get summary information for all SBB entities owned by a service using time-based criteria
public TabularData getSbbs(int maxPerNode, ServiceID serviceID, long createdAfter, long createdBefore)
    throws UnrecognizedServiceException, ManagementException;

This operation returns tabular data summarising the SBB entities owned by the given service using the time-based criteria specified (in milliseconds, as used by java.util.Date, or the value 0 to ignore a particular parameter).

Get summary SBB entity information for a particular SBB in a service using time-based criteria
public TabularData getSbbs(int maxPerNode, ServiceID serviceID, SbbID sbbType, long createdAfter, long createdBefore)
    throws UnrecognizedServiceException, UnrecognizedSbbException, ManagementException

This operation returns tabular data summarising only SBB entities of the given SBB in the given service using the time-based criteria specified (in milliseconds, as used by java.util.Date, or the value 0 to ignore a particular parameter).


Results depend on the Housekeeping MBean that invokes the operation:

  • Cluster Housekeeping MBean — returns results from all event-router nodes in the primary component

  • Node Housekeeping MBean — returns results from that node only.

Note For a description of the format of the tabular data that these operations return, see the javadoc.
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Rhino Version 3.1