
Component name


Applicable contexts

  • VoLTE Service

  • IP-SM-GW Service

Features using component

The Sentinel ChargingGTFormatter allows the generation of global titles for use in CAP charging requests.


Configuration is stored on a profile table called CapChargingConfigProfileTable.

Data is scoped according to a Sentinel selection key.

Attribute Name Type Default Description



The format template to use when creating Charging GTs. It must be a digit string except for tokens ('{iso}', '{mcc}', '{mnc}) which are substituted in.




The Charging GT to use when one could not be generated because the user’s location could not be determined.

Session Input Variables

IsoCountryCode String The ISO country code that the subscriber is registered with. It is used for formatting the OC-Charging-GT header.



The MCCs and MNCs that the subscriber is registered with. They are used for formatting the OC-Charging-GT header.


The ChargingGTFormatter allows the generation of global titles from the ChargingGTFormatString.

The ChargingGTFormatter will attempt replace any {iso} tokens in the ChargingGTFormat string with the ASCII digit values for the characters in the IsoCountryCode session state field. The IsoCountryCode should be upper case characters.

A ChargingGTFormatString of 555{iso}555 and IsoCountryCode of NZ would result in 5557890555.

The ChargingGTFormatter will attempt replace any {mcc} and {mnc} tokens in the ChargingGTFormat string with the MCC and MNC values from the first entry in the PaniMccMncs session state field.

A ChargingGTFormatString of 55{mcc}55{mnc}55 and first PaniMccMncs entry of mcc.123.mnc.456 would result in 551235545655.

If the ChargingGTFormatString contains any tokens other than {mcc}, {mnc}, or {iso} then the ChargingGTFormatter will do nothing and return null.

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Sentinel Express Version 4.1