The following AVPs are OpenCloud defined AVPs used in the Sentinel Express product. All OpenCloud defined AVPs have a diameter vendor ID of 19808.
- OpenCloud defined AVPs
- OC-Sentinel-Selection-Key
- OC-Play-Announcement-Id
- OC-Call-Type
- OC-Service-Type
- OC-Charging-Result
- OC-OCS-Session-Id
- OC-OCS-Session-Termination-Cause
- OC-OCS-Destination-Realm
- OC-Sentinel-Error
- OC-Charging-Instance
- OC-Charging-Instance-Name
- OC-Session-Counter
- OC-Session-Counter-Address
- OC-Session-Counter-Address-Key
- OC-Session-Counter-Address-Value
- OC-Cumulative-Committed-Used
- OC-Cumulative-Granted
- OC-Cumulative-Granted-Refund
- OC-Cumulative-Requested
- OC-Cumulative-Sent-Used
- OC-Cumulative-Suspended-Duration
- OC-Reported-Used
- OC-Pending-Requested
- OC-Start-Time
- OC-End-Time
- OC-Event-Id
- OC-Call-Id
- OC-End-Session-Cause
- OC-Interim-CDR-Trigger
- OC-Interim-CDR-Reason
- OC-Interim-CDR-Leg
- OC-Session-Start-Time
- OC-Session-Established-Time
- OC-Session-End-Time
- OC-Interim-CDR-Supplementary-Reason
- OC-Third-Party-Register-Response-Code
- OC-1st-Party-Register-Request
- OC-1st-Party-Register-Response
- OC-Private-Identity
- OC-Public-Identity
- OC-Public-GRUU
- OC-Temp-GRUU
- OC-Contact-Header
- OC-Age-Of-Information
- OC-Access-Network-MCC-MNC
- OC-Visited-Network-MCC-MNC
- OC-Session-Failover-Detected
OpenCloud defined AVPs
The OC-Sentinel-Selection-Key AVP (AVP code 1001) is of type UTF8String and contains the Sentinel Selection Key for the session.
No Parent AVP.
The OC-Play-Announcement-Id AVP (AVP code 1002) is of type Integer32 and contains the ID of an announcement used during the session.
No Parent AVP.
The OC-Call-Type AVP (AVP code 1003) is of type Enumerated and specifies the type of trigger for the session.
It can be one of the following:
= 1, the trigger was Originating -
= 2, the trigger was a non-SIP third party call setup request (e.g. via HTTP) -
= 3, the trigger was Terminating -
= 4, the trigger was Forwarding -
= 9, the trigger was classified as emergency
No Parent AVP.
The OC-Service-Type AVP (AVP code 1004) is of type Enumerated and specifies the initiating message for the session.
It can be one of the following:
= 1, the initiating reason is unknown -
= 2, the session was initiated due to receipt of SIP INVITE -
= 3, the session was initiated due to receipt of SIP SUBSCRIBE -
= 5, the session was initiated due to receipt of SIP MESSAGE
No Parent AVP.
The OC-Charging-Result AVP (AVP code 1006) is of type Integer32. It contains the value of the Diameter CCA result-code AVP. In case there was no Ro session, it will have the value of -1.
No Parent AVP.
The OC-OCS-Session-Id AVP (AVP code 1008) is of type UTF8String. It indicates a Session Id used to communicate with the OCS during the session.
No Parent AVP.
The OC-OCS-Session-Termination-Cause AVP (AVP code 1009) is of type Integer32. It communicates the reason that the OCS (or mediation layer) terminated the Ro session. It can be one of the following:
= 0, the session terminated normally. -
= 1, the session was terminated due to a CCA error response. -
= 2, the session was terminated due to Credit-Limit-Reached. -
= 3, the session was terminated due to an ASR received from the OCS. -
= 4, the session was terminated due to the Sentinel Tcc timer expiring. -
= 5, the session was terminated due to a failure generating CCR. -
= 6, the session terminated due to a client request, typically as a result of an abnormal event.
No Parent AVP.
The OC-OCS-Destination-Realm AVP (AVP code 1067) is of type UTF8String. It indicates the Diameter realm of the OCS used during the session.
No Parent AVP.
The OC-Sentinel-Error AVP (AVP code 1010) is of type Enumerated.
It can be one of the following:
= 1 -
= 2 -
= 3 -
= 4 -
= 5 -
= 6 -
= 7 -
= 8
If there is a Credit Control Answer, and it has an Experimental Result Code, and that has an OpenCloud vendor ID, then this AVP is filled.
No Parent AVP.
The OC-Charging-Instance AVP (AVP code 1011) is of type Grouped. An OC-Charging-Instance AVP represents an online charging instance used during the session.
OC-Charging-Instance ::= < AVP Header: 1011 > [ OC-Charging-Instance-Name ] *[ OC-Session-Counter ]
No Parent AVP.
The OC-Charging-Instance-Name AVP (AVP code 1012) is of type UTF8String. It represents the name of an OC-Charging-Instance.
Parent AVP: OC-Charging-Instance
The OC-Session-Counter AVP (AVP code 1013) is of type Grouped. It represents a Session Counter used during the session.
Parent AVP: OC-Charging-Instance
OC-Session-Counter ::= < AVP Header: 1013 > *[ OC-Session-Counter-Address ] [ OC-Cumulative-Committed-Used ] [ OC-Cumulative-Granted ] [ OC-Cumulative-Granted-Refund ] [ OC-Cumulative-Requested ] [ OC-Cumulative-Requested-Refund ] [ OC-Cumulative-Sent-Used ] [ OC-Cumulative-Suspended-Duration ] [ OC-Reported-Used ] [ OC-End-Time ] [ OC-Pending-Requested ] [ OC-Start-Time ]
The OC-Session-Counter-Address AVP (AVP code 1014) is of type Grouped.
It represents a Session Counter address
field, as documented in
Session counter structure.
OC-Session-Counter-Address ::= < AVP Header: 1014 > [ OC-Session-Counter-Address-Key ] [ OC-Session-Counter-Address-Value ]
Parent AVP: OC-Session-Counter
The OC-Session-Counter-Address-Key AVP (AVP code 1015) is of type UTF8String.
Parent AVP: OC-Session-Counter-Address
The OC-Session-Counter-Address-Value AVP (AVP code 1016) is of type UTF8String.
Parent AVP: OC-Session-Counter-Address
The OC-Cumulative-Committed-Used AVP (AVP code 1017) is of type Integer64.
It contains the value of the cumulativeCommittedUsed
unit counter documented in
Session counter structure.
Parent AVP: OC-Session-Counter
The OC-Cumulative-Granted AVP (AVP code 1018) is of type Integer64.
It contains the value of the cumulativeGranted
unit counter documented in
Session counter structure.
Parent AVP: OC-Session-Counter
The OC-Cumulative-Granted-Refund AVP (AVP code 1019) is of type Integer64.
It contains the value of the cumulatedGrantedRefund
unit counter documented in
Session counter structure.
Parent AVP: OC-Session-Counter
The OC-Cumulative-Request AVP (AVP code 1020) is of type Integer64.
It contains the value of the cumulatedRequested
unit counter documented in
Session counter structure.
Parent AVP: OC-Session-Counter === OC-Cumulative-Requested-Refund
The OC-Cumulative-Requested-Refund AVP (AVP code 1021) is of type Integer64.
It contains the value of the cumulativeRequestedRefund
unit counter documented in
Session counter structure.
Parent AVP: OC-Session-Counter
The OC-Cumulative-Sent-Used AVP (AVP code 1022) is of type Integer64. It contains the cumulative used units sent to the OCS for the Session Counter.
It contains the value of the cumulativeSentUsed
unit counter documented in
Session counter structure.
Parent AVP: OC-Session-Counter
The OC-Cumulative-Suspended-Duration AVP (AVP code 1023) is of type Integer64.
It contains the value of the cumulativeSuspendedDuration
field documented in
Session counter structure.
Parent AVP: OC-Session-Counter
The OC-Reported-Used AVP (AVP code 1024) is of type Integer64.
It contains the value of the reportedUsed
field documented in
Session counter structure.
Parent AVP: OC-Session-Counter
The OC-Pending-Requested AVP (AVP code 1025) is of type Integer64.
It contains the value of the pendingRequested
unit counter documented in
Session counter structure.
Parent AVP: OC-Session-Counter
The OC-Start-Time AVP (AVP code 1026) is of type Time.
It contains the value of the startTime
field documented in
Session counter structure.
Parent AVP: OC-Session-Counter
The OC-End-Time AVP (AVP code 1027) is of type Time.
It contains the value of the endTime
field documented in
Session counter structure.
Parent AVP: OC-Session-Counter
The OC-Event-Id AVP (AVP code 1028) is of type UTF8String.
If the initial request for the Session was a SIP SUBSCRIBE
request, this is set to the value of the Event:
header in the initial request.
If the initial request for the Session was a SIP REFER
request, this is set to the CSeq
of the REFER request.
No parent AVP.
The OC-Call-Id AVP (AVP code 1029) is of type UTF8String. This is set to the Call-ID of the initial SIP request for the Session.
No parent AVP.
The OC-End-Session-Cause AVP (AVP code 1036) is of type Integer32. This is set to indicate the reason a service or feature ended the session.
If the LegManager.endSession
instruction is called with a cause value, the AVP value is set to the cause value.
Otherwise, if the session state field endSessionCause
is set, the AVP value is set to the session state value.
No parent AVP.
The OC-Interim-CDR-Trigger AVP (AVP code 1037) is a repeated AVP of type Grouped and appears only in interim CDRs. Each occurrence indicates a reason and a supplementary reason for writing an Interim CDR and the leg for which the reasons apply.
OC-Interim-CDR-Trigger ::= < AVP Header: 1037 > [ OC-Interim-CDR-Reason ] [ OC-Interim-CDR-Supplementary-Reason] [ OC-Interim-CDR-Leg ]
No parent AVP.
The OC-Interim-CDR-Reason AVP (AVP code 1038) is of type UTF8String.
Parent AVP: OC-Interim-CDR-Trigger
The OC-Interim-CDR-Leg AVP (AVP code 1039) is of type UTF8String.
Parent AVP: OC-Interim-CDR-Trigger
The OC-Session-Start-Time AVP (AVP code 1040) is of type Time.
It contains the time that the session’s Initial Request was processed.
No parent AVP.
The OC-Session-Established-Time AVP (AVP code 1041) is of type Time.
It contains the time that the session was answered, that is the ACK to the 2xx-INVITE was processed.
No parent AVP.
The OC-Session-End-Time AVP (AVP code 1042) is of type Time.
It contains the time that the session was ended.
No parent AVP.
The OC-Interim-CDR-Supplementary-Reason AVP (AVP code 1043) is of type UTF8String.
Parent AVP: OC-Interim-CDR-Trigger
The OC-Third-Party-Register-Response-Code AVP (AVP code 1050) is of type Integer32. The value is 200 when the register request is successful otherwise it will have SIP Rejection response code.
No parent AVP.
The OC-1st-Party-Register-Request AVP (AVP code 1051) is of type UTF8String. It will have value as "<not set>" if the third-party REGISTER request was rejected very early, otherwise the value will be the 1st party register request.
No parent AVP.
The OC-1st-Party-Register-Response AVP (AVP code 1052) is of type UTF8String. It will have value as "<not set>" if the third-party REGISTER request was rejected very early, otherwise the value will be the 1st party register response.
No parent AVP.
The OC-Private-Identity AVP (AVP code 1053) is of type UTF8String. It is the private id from Auth Header.
No parent AVP.
The OC-Age-Of-Information AVP (AVP code 1060) is of type Integer64. The time in milliseconds of the source information. The value depends on which of the grouped AVP’s contains the OC-Age-Of-Information.
The OC-MCC-MNC AVP (AVP code 1061) is of type UTF8String. The length is 5 or 6 digits depending on the value of MNC, that can be 2 or 3. It is encoded as UTF8String characters representing the IMSI MCC-MNC numerical values. In accordance with 3GPP TS 29.060 24 (for GGSN), 3GPP TS 29.274 81 (for P-GW) and 3GPP TS 23.003 40, the MCC is 3 digits and the MNC is either 2 or 3 digits. There are no padding characters between the MCC and MNC.
The OC-Access-Network-MCC-MNC (AVP code 1062) indicates the home network MCC-MNC, in case the access network can be identified. The information is extracted from the P-Access-Network-Info header. It is a grouped AVP formed by:
The OC-Age-Of-Information is the registration time.
No parent AVP.
The OC-Visited-Network-MCC-MNC (AVP code 1063) indicates the visited network MCC-MNC, in case the visited network can be identified. This information is extracted from the P-Visited-Network-Id header. It is a grouped AVP formed by:
The OC-Age-Of-Information is the registration time.
No parent AVP.
The OC-IMSI-MCC-MNC (AVP code 1064) is extracted from the IMSI and indicates the network related to the subscriber IMSI. It is a grouped AVP formed by:
The OC-Age-Of-Information is:
registration time
SRI response time in case it is extracted from the SRI response.
No parent AVP.
The OC-Session-Failover-Detected (AVP code 1066) flag indicates whether a session failover occured between the initial event and when this AVP was written.
It is of type Integer32, with the value '0' indicating that session failover has not been detected and '1' indicating session failover has been detected.
No parent AVP.