To configure staging parameters, use the following rhino-console commands or related MBean operations.
Command |
configurestagingqueues [maximumAge <age>] [maximumSize <size>] [threadCount <count>] set some or all of the staging-queues configuration properties |
Example |
$ ./rhino-console configurestagingqueues maximumAge 11000 maximumSize 4000 threadCount 40 Updated staging-queue config properties: maximumSize=4000 threadCount=40 maximumAge=11000 |
Command |
getstagingqueuesconfig get the staging-queues configuration properties |
Example |
$ ./rhino-console getstagingqueuesconfig Configuration properties for staging-queues: maximumAge=11000 maximumSize=4000 threadCount=40 |
MBean operations
Use the following MBean operations to configure staging queue parameters, defined on the Staging Queue Management MBean
Operations |
Usage |
To get and set the maximum number of items permitted in the staging queue: public int getMaximumSize() throws ConfigurationException; public void setMaximumSize(int size) throws ConfigurationException, ValidationException; |
To get and set the maximum age of items permitted in the staging queue: public long getMaximumAge() throws ConfigurationException; public void setMaximumAge(long ms) throws ConfigurationException, ValidationException; Queued work items do not immediately expire if their age (measured in milliseconds) exceeds the maximum allowed. Instead, the SLEE discards them when they leave the staging queue (when it’s their turn for processing).
To get and set the number of threads available for processing items on the staging queue: public int getThreadCount() throws ConfigurationException; public void setThreadCount(int threads) throws ConfigurationException, ValidationException; |