To find which limiter is connected to a limiter endpoint, use the following rhino-console command or related MBean operation.

Console command: getlimiterforlimiterendpoint


getlimiterforlimiterendpoint <limiterendpoint>
    Returns the name of the limiter that the limiter endpoint is using


To find which limiter is connected to limiter endpoint RAEntity/entity1/Input:

$ ./rhino-console getlimiterforlimiterendpoint RAEntity/entity1/Input
LimiterEndpoint 'RAEntity/entity1/Input' is using the limiter 'rate1'

MBean operation: getLimiterForEndpoint


Rhino operation

String getLimiterForEndpoint(String limiterEndpointID)
        throws NullPointerException, InvalidArgumentException, ConfigurationException, ManagementException;
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Rhino Version 2.5.0