To set limiter properties, use the following rhino-console commands or related MBean operations.

Warning Limiters can only be configured administratively — RAs or services cannot configure limiters.

Console commands

Tip For details of available properties for each limiter type, see Limiter Types.



configureratelimiter <limitername> [-nodes node1,node2...] <[-property value] [-property value] ... >
 Sets the values of the specified configuration properties of the limiter on the
 given node(s)


To set rate limiter properties:

$ ./rhino-console configureratelimiter SystemInput -nodes 101 -bypassed false -maxrate 100
Updated config properties for limiter 'SystemInput':



configuresaturationlimiter <limitername> [-nodes node1,node2...] <[-property value] [-property value] ... >
 Sets the values of the specified configuration properties of the limiter on the
 given node(s)


To set saturation limiter properties:

$ ./rhino-console configuresaturationlimiter QueueSaturation -maxsaturation 75
Updated config properties for limiter 'QueueSaturation':

If -nodes are specified, these commands set properties for the listed nodes only (the "per-node" properties). Otherwise, these commands update the default properties for the limiter (the properties that apply whenever no per-node property is set).

You cannot change the name or type of a limiter — these are set when a limiter is created.

MBean operations

Limiter MBean operations

Operation Usage
void setBypassedDefault(boolean bypassed)
        throws ConfigurationException;
void setBypassedForNode(boolean[] bypassed, int[] nodeIDs)
        throws NullPointerException, ConfigurationException, InvalidArgumentException;
void setParent(String parentName)
        throws ConfigurationException, ValidationException, NullPointerException, InvalidArgumentException;

RateLimiter MBean operations

Operation Usage
void setDepthDefault(double depth)
        throws ConfigurationException, ValidationException;
void setDepthForNode(double[] depth, int[] nodeIDs)
        throws ConfigurationException,  ValidationException, NullPointerException, InvalidArgumentException;
void setMaxRateDefault(double depth)
        throws ConfigurationException, ValidationException;
void setMaxRateForNode(double[] depth, int[] nodeIDs)
        throws ConfigurationException,  ValidationException, NullPointerException, InvalidArgumentException;
void setTimeUnit(String timeUnit)
        throws ConfigurationException, ValidationException;

QueueSaturationLimiter MBean operations

Operation Usage
void setMaxSaturationDefault(double maxSaturation)
        throws ConfigurationException, ValidationException;
void setMaxSaturationForNode(double[] maxSaturation, int[] nodeIDs)
        throws ConfigurationException, ValidationException,NullPointerException, InvalidArgumentException;
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Rhino Version 2.5.0