To activate a resource adaptor entity on one or more nodes use the following rhino-console command or related MBean operations.

Note If executed without a list of nodes, all per-node desired state for the resource adaptor entity is removed and the default desired state of the resource adaptor entity is set to active (if it is not already).

Console command: activateraentity


activateraentity <entity-name> [-nodes node1,node2,...] [-ifneeded]
    Activate a resource adaptor entity (on the specified nodes)


To activate the resource adaptor entity called sipra on nodes 101 and 102:

$ ./rhino-console activateraentity sipra -nodes 101,102
Activating resource adaptor entity sipra on node(s) [101,102]
Resource adaptor entity transitioned to the Active state on node 101
Resource adaptor entity transitioned to the Active state on node 102

MBean operation: setPerNodeDesiredState


Rhino extension

Activate or deactivate on specific nodes
public void setPerNodeDesiredState(String entityName, int[] nodeIDs, ResourceAdaptorEntityDesiredState desiredState)
    throws NullPointerException, InvalidArgumentException,
        UnrecognizedResourceAdaptorEntityException, ManagementException;

Rhino provides an extension to set the desired state for a resource adaptor entity on a set of nodes.

MBean operation: setDefaultDesiredState


Rhino extension

Activate or deactivate on nodes that do not have per-node state configured for the specified resource adaptor entity
public void setDefaultDesiredState(String entityName, ResourceAdaptorEntityDesiredState desiredState)
    throws NullPointerException, InvalidArgumentException,
        UnrecognizedResourceAdaptorEntityException, ManagementException;

Rhino provides an extension to set the desired state for a resource adaptor entity on nodes that do not have a per-node desired state configured.

MBean operation: removePerNodeDesiredState


Rhino extension

Activate or deactivate on nodes that have per-node state configured that is different from the default state
public void removePerNodeDesiredState(String entityName, int[] nodeIDs)
    throws NullPointerException, InvalidArgumentException,
        UnrecognizedResourceAdaptorEntityException, ManagementException;

Rhino provides an extension to clear the desired state for a resource adaptor entity on a set of nodes. Nodes that do not have a per-node desired state configured use the default desired state.

MBean operation: activateResourceAdaptorEntity



Activate on all nodes
public void activateResourceAdaptorEntity(String entityName)
    throws NullPointerException, UnrecognizedResourceAdaptorEntityException,
          InvalidStateException, ManagementException;

Rhino’s implementation of the SLEE-defined activateResourceAdaptorEntity operation attempts to activate a resource adaptor entity on all current event-router nodes in the primary component. For this to work, the resource adaptor entity must be in the INACTIVE state on at least one node.

Rhino extension

Activate on specific nodes
public void activateResourceAdaptorEntity(String entityName, int[] nodeIDs)
    throws NullPointerException, InvalidArgumentException,
          InvalidStateException, ManagementException;

Rhino provides an extension that adds an argument that lets you control the nodes on which to activate the resource adaptor entity (by specifying node IDs). For this to work, the resource adaptor entity must be in the INACTIVE state on the specified nodes.

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Rhino Version 3.0.0