A Rhino management sub task for configuring a queue saturation limiter.

Ant Parameters
Attribute Description Required


Flag to control failure behaviour. If 'true', the sub task will throw a BuildException when an error is encountered. If 'false', the sub task will throw a NonFatalBuildException instead of a BuildException under specific circumstances. See below for conditions (if any) which will cause a NonFatalBuildException.

No. default value is taken from the Rhino management parent task.


The name of the queue saturation limiter to be configured.



The maximum amount of saturation allowed in the staging queue before rejecting work, expressed as a percentage. A value of '-' may be used to clear existing per-node settings when a list of nodes is specified.



Whether this limiter will be used or bypassed for limiting. If false the limiter will be used (not bypassed), if true the limiter will be bypassed and hence not be used. A value of '-' may be used to clear existing per-node settings when a list of nodes is specified.



Sets the parent of the limiter, adding the limiter to its parent’s limiter hierarchy.



Comma-delimited list of nodes to apply this configuration to. Only the maxsaturation and bypassed configuration properties may be set on a per-node basis, all other properties are set uniformly across all nodes.


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Rhino Version 3.0.0