A Rhino management sub task for configuring the staging queue.

Ant Parameters
Attribute Description Required


Maximum size of the staging queue.

No. If not specified, if there is no previously specified value; if no value has been specified, the default size is used (3000).


Maximum possible age of staging items, in milliseconds. Specify an age of -1 to ignorthe age of staging items (i.e. staging items will never be discarded due to their age).

No. If not specified, the last specified value is used; if there is no previously specified value, the default age is used (10000).


Number of staging threads in the thread pool.

No. If not specified, the last specified value is used; if there is no previously specified value, the default size is used (30).


Flag to control failure behaviour. If 'true', the sub task will throw a BuildException when an error is encountered. If 'false', the sub task will throw a NonFatalBuildException instead of a BuildException under specific circumstances. See below for conditions (if any) which will cause a NonFatalBuildException.

No. default value is taken from the Rhino management parent task.

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Rhino Version 3.0.0