Prefix Based Barring provides a mechanism for an operator to augment the implicit or explicit condition of a MMTelOCB barring rule, so that the rule will also apply when the called party number matches some prefix with optional length criteria .

What is Prefix Based Barring

Prefix Based Barring is an enhancement to Outgoing Call Barring, to trigger certain barring treatments based on the dialled number.

How to Configure Prefix Based Barring


An address list called ${}_PrefixBarring_AddressListEntryTable is used to classify the called number for prefix based barring.

It is an extension of the standard Address List Entry Profile and has the same structure with the following additional field.

Parameter Type Description






A list of 1 or more items where each is the name of a PrefixBarringClassificationsTable profile. REM provides a list from which elements of the array may be selected.


The prefix barring address list references a classification for the matching prefixes.

Details of how that classification is treated are stored in PrefixBarringClassificationsTable profile table.

Attribute Name Type Default Description



The identifier of this classification, and the name of this profile.




User readable name for the classification that will be used to select it in the address list.



no minimum length criteria

The minimum number of digits in dial string to match this classification.



no maximum length criteria

The maximum number of digits in dial string to match this classification.




When true, this classification will only match international targets.




How to treat matching calls. See below.




When set to true AnnouncementID will override the generic outbound call barring announcement configuration if its PlayAnnouncement value is true.




An announcement to be played when a matching number is called and barred and OverrideOCBAnnouncement is set and the generic outbound call barring announcement configuration’s PlayAnnouncement value is true. Set to 0 to play no announcement.

Barring Treatments

BarringTreatment Description


The call will not be barred.


The call will be barred if no OSB rules or OperatorAllow treatment allows it.


Operator Specific barring rules will be processed as though the <conditions> for Type1 barring evaluated to true.


Operator Specific barring rules will be processed as though the <conditions> for Type2 barring evaluated to true.


Operator Specific barring rules will be processed as though the <conditions> for Type3 barring evaluated to true.


Operator Specific barring rules will be processed as though the <conditions> for Type4 barring evaluated to true.


Premium-rate communication barring options will be processed as though the call was classified with premium-rate set to information.


Premium-rate communication barring options will be processed as though the call was classified with premium-rate set to entertainment.

Configuring an OSB rule to only be triggered by a prefix

Note If an OSB rule is being configured solely to be triggered by prefix barring then use <rule-deactivated/> as the rule’s condition so that it is not inadvertently triggered otherwise.


Before other OCB rules are applied, the feature extracts the target from the Request URI. The target consists of the dialled digit string, and any international number indicator. If no digits can be found ODB and OCB proceed as normal.

The target will have had normalisation applied.

If the target is international but within the home country code, the home country code prefix is stripped from the digits, and the target is treated as national.

The feature attempts longest prefix matching of the target’s digits in the address list. If no address list entry is found ODB and OCB proceed as normal.

If an address list entry is found the NumberClassification values are used to retrieve corresponding profiles from the PrefixBarringClassificationsTable.

For each of these classification profiles in specified order:

  • If the national/international indicator of the target conflicts with the classification’s MatchInternational value, that profile is discarded.

  • If the number of digits in the target conflicts with the MatchMinLength or MatchMaxLength values in the profile, that profile is discarded.

If there are no remaining profiles ODB and OCB proceed as normal.

If more than one remaining profile has the same BarringTreatment value, the stats counter FoundConflictingPrefixBarringClassifications is incremented and all except the first of those profiles are discarded. This avoids having more than one applicable announcement configuration for an applied rule.

If one of the remaining profiles has a treatment of OperatorAllow, the call is allowed and the OCB feature completes.

Operator-specific ODB rules are applied, except the condition of each rule is assumed true if any of the remaining profiles has a BarringTreatment value corresponding to the OSB rule type. If any of the remaining profiles has a treatment of OperatorBar that takes precedence over any Operator-specific ODB rules that bar, but not those that whitelist. The classification with OperatorBar treatment may override the announcement settings.

If an OSB rule bars the call due to a prefix barring treatment, and does not retarget it, then the profile may override the announcement settings.

Premium-rate communication barring options are then evaluated against PremiumRateInformation and/or PremiumRateEntertainment BarringTreatment values. If the call is barred due to any of these, then the profile may override the announcement settings.

See Bar Outgoing Premium-Rate Communication for more information on premium-rate communication barring.

If the call has not been barred or allowed, ODB and OCB proceed as normal.

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Sentinel VoLTE Version 3.1.0