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Before you install Sentinel Express, you need to download the SDK package, and get other required software.

You can then either:

  • let the built-in installer install both the Rhino SDK and Sentinel Express, or

  • install and configure Rhino and the JVM manually, then use the installer to install Sentinel Express into your Rhino.

In both cases you need to get a license.

Allowing the installer to install both the Rhino SDK and Sentinel Express software is recommended for functional testing or experimentation with Sentinel Express. For production installs and/or load testing it is recommended to manually install and configure Rhino and the JVM.

Finally, if you are planning to install Sentinel Express on an existing OpenCloud Rhino installation, it makes sense to refer to other OpenCloud product dependencies

Download the Sentinel Express SDK package

To get the latest Sentinel Express SDK package go to https://repo.rhino.metaswitch.com/artifactory/opencloud-sentinel-express-3.1.0/opencloud/sentinel-pack/3.1.0/sentinel-express-sdk/ and choose the version with the highest release number.

The SDK package contains an installer, that can install Sentinel Express as an out-of-the-box system. It is also an SDK allowing customisation of the product.

Warning You will need OpenCloud-supplied credentials to download the package.

Get required software

You’ll need the following software to run Sentinel Express:

Software Download Link Documentation Link

Java JDK 8


Apache Tomcat 7.0.39 or greater (7.0.x series or 8.5.x series, not 9.x.x series)


Rhino or later - optional - to be used when installing and configuring Rhino manually

Rhino 2.7.0 SDK from Artifactory

Rhino Documentation

Rhino Element Manager or later

REM Download Page

REM Documentation

Sentinel Express SDK including out of the box installer

Sentinel Express SDK, from Artifactory

Sentinel Express SDK

(Optional) Cassandra Database, version 2.1.17 or later version from the 2.1.x series



Install and configure Rhino and the JVM

Optionally you can install and configure Rhino and the JVM for use with Sentinel Express. This is recommended for production deployments, and clustered setups.

Alternatively for Proof of Concept and lab functional testing it is recommended to use the Installer documented in Installing Sentinel Express Services

Install Rhino


Start by choosing a location to extract the contents of the Rhino package.

We’ll refer to this directory as RHINO_HOME.


Rhino must be started at least once to generate the necessary configuration files. To start Rhino, in the RHINO_HOME directory, execute:

$ ./start-rhino.sh

(or start-rhino.bat on Microsoft Windows).


Wait until Rhino is ready. It prints the following message in its log when ready:

SLEE successfully started on node(s) [101]


Stop Rhino by executing in the RHINO_HOME directory:

$ ./stop-rhino.sh --nice
Tip For more about installing and configuring the Rhino TAS, please see the Rhino 2.7.0 Documentation.

Configure Rhino and the JVM

If you want to install Sentinel Express on top of an already running Rhino then this step must be performed. If you are letting the installer configure the Rhino SDK for you, this step can be skipped.

The following settings are needed:

Setting Configuration

Management database size

For a full Sentinel Express install, the default Rhino 2.7.0 management database size is insufficient and should be increased to at least 300MB. To do this, edit RHINO_HOME/config/rhino-config.xml on all nodes, increasing the <committed-size> in the following section:



You’ll also need to configure the JVM:

  • The Rhino HEAP_SIZE setting should be set to 2048m at a minimum.

  • The recommended MAX_NEW_SIZE and NEW_SIZE setting for a Rhino node running Sentinel Express is 1/4th of the total heap size (for example, 512m when the HEAP_SIZE is 2048m).

  • The MaxPermGen size should be increased from its default, to at least 384MB. To do this in Rhino 2.4, modify the flags -XX:MaxPermSize= and -XX:PermSize= in RHINO_HOME/config/jvm_args.

All of these settings can be found in RHINO_HOME/config/config_variables after running Rhino for the first time.

Socket permissions

You will need to add the host address where the installer is running to the mlet configuration file.

  • For RhinoSDK the configuration file is RHINO_HOME/config/mlet.conf

  • For Rhino Production the configuration file is RHINO_HOME/node-xxx/config/permachine-mlet.conf

  • In the configuration file look for the XML tag <security-permission-spec> and add the following entry, replacing <IP ADDRESS> with your installer’s IP address:

    <mlet enabled="true">
                .... other entries

                permission java.net.SocketPermission "<IP ADDRESS>", "accept,resolve";

                .... other entries
Start Rhino to load the new configuration

To start Rhino, in the RHINO_HOME directory run start-rhino.sh (or start-rhino.bat on Microsoft Windows).

This applies the Rhino and JVM configuration.

Get a license

Warning To install Sentinel Express you need a license to run SIS, CGIN, and Sentinel Express from OpenCloud. In order to obtain a license file, please contact OpenCloud.

If you allow the installer to install both Rhino SDK and Sentinel Express for you, it will prompt you for the location of the license file.

If you prefer to set up Rhino manually, then you need to install the license file prior to installing Sentinel Express.

To install your license file:


Make sure Rhino is started and running.


Go to the RHINO_HOME/client/bin directory.


In this directory, start the Rhino Console with the rhino-console script (or rhino-console.bat in Microsoft Windows).


In the Rhino Console execute, this command:

installlicense [PATH_TO_LICENSE_FILE]

([PATH_TO_LICENSE_FILE] should be relative to the RHINO_HOME/client/bin directory.)


If using the standard configuration, the following ports need to be open on the Express TAS host’s firewall.

Port Purpose


SIP traffic


Secure SIP traffic




RMI Access

If using other configuration the firewall should be configured for those non-standard ports. Other ports may be opened as needed. For example if ssh is used to administer a node, then port 22 would be opened

OpenCloud product dependencies

Sentinel Express is built on top of other OpenCloud products. The 3.1.0 series depends on the following series:

Product Series





















FSM Tool




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Sentinel Express Version 3.1.0