This section describes details of components and services running on the SGC nodes.

systemd services

OCSS7 Process

The OCSS7 process is managed via the ocss7.service Systemd Service. To start OCSS7, run sudo systemctl start ocss7.service. To stop, run sudo systemctl stop ocss7.service.

To check the status run sudo systemctl status ocss7.service. This is an example of a healthy status:

[sentinel@smo-1 ~]$ sudo systemctl status ocss7.service
● ocss7.service - Start the OCSS7 SGC
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/ocss7.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: active (running) since Mon 2021-01-11 06:29:34 NZDT; 6min ago
   CGroup: /system.slice/ocss7.service
           ├─1215 /bin/bash /home/sentinel/ocss7/DC1/smo1.sentinel-oc.internal/current/bin/sgc daemon --jmxhost --jmxport 55555 --seed /dev/./urandom
           ├─1216 java com.cts.utils.LogRollover /home/sentinel/ocss7/DC1/smo1.sentinel-oc.internal/current/logs/startup.20210111062915
           └─1225 java -DMODULE=SGC -server -ea -XX:MaxNewSize=128m -XX:NewSize=128m -Xms5120m -Xmx5120m -XX:SurvivorRatio=128 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=0 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFE -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterv...

Jan 11 06:29:15 smo-1 systemd[1]: Starting Start the OCSS7 SGC...
Jan 11 06:29:15 smo-1 ocss7[1201]: SGC starting - daemonizing ...
Jan 11 06:29:34 smo-1 systemd[1]: Started Start the OCSS7 SGC.

SNMP service monitor

The SNMP service monitor process is responsible for raising SNMP alarms when a disk partition gets too full.

The SNMP service monitor alarms are compatible with Rhino alarms and can be accessed in the same way. Refer to Accessing SNMP Statistics and Notifications for more information about this.

Alarms are sent to SNMP targets as configured through the configuration YAML files.

The following partitions are monitored:

  • the root partition (/)

  • the log partition (/var/log)

There are two thresholds for disk monitoring, expressed as a percentage of the total partition size. When disk usage exceeds:

  • the lower threshold, a warning (MINOR severity) alarm will be raised.

  • the upper threshold, a MAJOR severity alarm will be raised, and (except for the root partition) files will be automatically cleaned up where possible.

Once disk space has returned to a non-alarmable level, the SNMP service monitor will clear the associated alarm on the next check. By default, it checks disk usage once per day. Running the command sudo systemctl reload disk-monitor will force an immediate check of the disk space, for example, if an alarm was raised and you have since cleaned up the appropriate partition and want to clear the alarm.

Configuring the SNMP service monitor

The default monitoring settings should be appropriate for the vast majority of deployments.

Should your Metaswitch Customer Care Representative advise you to reconfigure the disk monitor, you can do so by editing the file /etc/disk_monitor.yaml (you will need to use sudo when editing this file due to its permissions):

  check_interval_seconds: 86400
  lower_threshold: 80
  max_files_to_delete: 10
  upper_threshold: 90
  lower_threshold: 90
  upper_threshold: 95
  enabled: true
  notification_type: trap
  - address:
    port: 162
    version: 2c

The file is in YAML format, and specifies the alarm thresholds for each disk partition (as a percentage), the interval between checks in seconds, and the SNMP targets.

  • Supported SNMP versions are 2c and 3.

  • Supported notification types are trap and notify.

  • Supported values for the upper and lower thresholds are:


Lower threshold range

Upper threshold range

Minimum difference between thresholds


50% to 80%

60% to 90%



50% to 90%

60% to 99%


  • check_interval_seconds must be in the range 60 to 86400 seconds inclusive. It is recommended to keep the interval as long as possible to minimise performance impact.

After editing the file, you can apply the configuration by running sudo systemctl reload disk-monitor.

Verify that the service has accepted the configuration by running sudo systemctl status disk-monitor. If it shows an error, run journalctl -u disk-monitor for more detailed information. Correct the errors in the configuration and apply it again.


The nodes contain three partitions:

  • /boot, with a size of 100MB. This contains the kernel and bootloader.

  • /var/log, with a size of 7000MB. This is where the OS and Rhino store their logfiles. The Rhino logs are within the tas subdirectory, and within that each cluster has its own directory.

  • /, which uses up the rest of the disk. This is the root filesystem.


Each VM contains a Prometheus exporter, which monitors statistics about the VM’s health (such as CPU usage, RAM usage, etc). These statistics can be retrieved using SIMon by connecting it to port 9100 on the VM’s management interface.

System health statistics can be retrieved using SNMP walking. They are available via the standard UCD-SNMP-MIB OIDs with prefix

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VM Build Container Version 3.2