module routing-configuration {
    yang-version 1.1;
    namespace "";
    prefix "routing";

    import ietf-inet-types {
        prefix "ietf-inet";

    import traffic-type-configuration {
        prefix "traffic-type";
        revision-date 2022-04-11;

    organization "Metaswitch Networks";
    contact "";
    description "Routing configuration schema.";

    revision 2019-11-29 {
            "Initial revision";
            "Metaswitch Deployment Definition Guide";

    grouping routing-configuration-grouping {
        list routing-rules {
            key "name";
            unique "target";

            leaf name {
                type string;
                mandatory true;
                description "The name of the routing rule.";

            leaf target {
                type union {
                    type ietf-inet:ip-address;
                    type ietf-inet:ip-prefix;
                mandatory true;
                description "The target for the routing rule.
                             Can be either an IP address or a block of IP addresses.";

            leaf interface {
                type traffic-type:traffic-type;
                mandatory true;
                description "The interface to use to connect to the specified endpoint.
                             This must be one of the allowed traffic types,
                             corresponding to the interface carrying the traffic type.";

            leaf gateway {
                type ietf-inet:ip-address;
                mandatory true;
                description "The IP address of the gateway to route through.";

            leaf-list node-types {
                type enumeration {
                    enum shcm {
                        description "Apply this routing rule to the shcm nodes.";
                    enum mag {
                        description "Apply this routing rule to the mag nodes.";
                    enum mmt-gsm {
                        description "Apply this routing rule to the mmt-gsm nodes.";
                    enum mmt-cdma {
                        description "Apply this routing rule to the mmt-cdma nodes.";
                    enum smo {
                        description "Apply this routing rule to the smo nodes.";
                    enum tsn {
                        description "Apply this routing rule to the tsn nodes.";
                    enum max {
                        description "Apply this routing rule to the max nodes.";
                    enum rem {
                        description "Apply this routing rule to the rem nodes.";
                    enum sgc {
                        description "Apply this routing rule to the sgc nodes.";
                    enum custom {
                        description "Apply this routing rule to the custom nodes.";
                description "The node-types this routing rule applies to.";

            description "The list of routing rules.";
        description "Routing configuration";
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