Below are instructions for creating a SIS instance.

Tip Afterwards, you can provision macros, triggers, compositions, and subscriptions for it — see SIS Management in the SIS Overview and Concepts guide.

Running an -instance tool

You create a SIS instance by running one of the sis/<protocol>/2.7.0.x/admin/create-sis-<protocol>-instance tools (or create-sis-<protocol>-instance.bat on Windows). There is one tool for each protocol that the SIS supports (SIP or IN). When you execute the tool, it:

  1. asks for configuration parameters

  2. creates the profile tables and profiles it needs

  3. creates the configured SIS instance

  4. prompts you to activate it.

Command-line options

The SIS instance-creation tools accept the following (mutually exclusive) command-line options:

Option Description

Displays command-line usage help.


Runs the tool using the settings from a previous run (stored in the etc/last-<protocol> file after the user confirms them).

-u <filename>

Runs the tool using the settings from the specified file (a simple text file containing property variable assignments — see the etc/last-<protocol> file created by the tool after the first successful run for an example of its content).


Runs the tool in non-interactive mode, automatically accepting all settings. This option must be used with either -r or -u <filename> to provide values for properties that have no default.

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SIS Version 2.7.0