SIP INVITE session plans

Some session plans can be executed on an INVITE.

Tip Details on how they are selected can be found in the documentation for the DetermineVoltePlanId feature.

The session plans are:

Plan ID

Executed by


MMTel AS serving the originating user


MMTel AS serving the terminating user


MMTel AS providing conferencing (MMTelCONF) functionality


SCC AS serving the originating user


SCC AS serving the terminating user


SCC AS serving the terminating user but only executing access transfer functions


SCC AS serving the terminating user but only executing T-ADS functions


SCC AS on receiving an access transfer request


SCC AS on receiving a reorigination request

SIP REGISTER session plans

The Registrar uses the session type and plan ID portion of the selection key in order to simplify the feature execution scripts that run for different types of third-party registration.

The main two features that do this are:

Session type Plan ID Executed by

MMTel AS with third-party registrar


MMTel AS with third-party registrar


MMTel AS with third-party registrar


SCC AS with third-party registrar


SCC AS with third-party registrar


SCC AS with third-party registrar

Registration session plans for register and re-register distinguish the features that they execute. The register session plans are intended to execution upon Initial Registration into the IMS, whereas re-register corresponds to registration refreshes. Examples of features that should run on Initial Registration but not registration refresh are FetchCMSISDN, or ESRVCCRegistration

IN session plan

Sentinel VoLTE uses minimal feature execution scripts for IN call processing — they exist purely for the purpose of IMS service centralization. This will result in the call being connected to an IP Multimedia Routing Number (IMRN) and the TCAP dialog being closed; no online charging request will be made as part of InitialDP processing.

These feature execution scripts run in the SS7 sessions initiated via the CAMEL IDP session plan. For more information refer to Service Centralisation Features.

Viewing session plans

The list of execution points and their associated feature scripts can be viewed through REM by selecting the Management→Profiles menu, then selecting the ${PLATFORM_OPERATOR_NAME}_FeatureExecutionScriptTable table. Here the variable ${PLATFORM_OPERATOR_NAME} is replaced by the Platform Operator Name chosen at installation time. So if the Platform Operator Name was set to "Rocket" the table name would be "Rocket_FeatureExecutionScriptTable".

To view the same information from the rhino console, view the list of execution scripts by running listprofiles ${PLATFORM_OPERATOR_NAME}_FeatureExecutionScriptTable. To view an individual script use listprofileattributes ${PLATFORM_OPERATOR_NAME}_FeatureExecutionScriptTable ${SCRIPT_NAME}.

To view the Feature Execution Script name that is invoked for a particular Plan ID’s execution point, use listprofileattributes ${PLATFORM_OPERATOR_NAME}_FeatureExecutionPointTable ${EXECUTION_POINT}.

For more information related to Feature Execution Points, Feature Execution Scripts and Plan IDs refer to Session Plans

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Sentinel VoLTE Public Version 2.7.1