CDR resource adaptor entities

The Sentinel installer creates a CDR resource adaptor entity called cdr. This resource adaptor entity is used by all Sentinel services.

CDR resource adaptor configuration

Note Refer to the CDR RA Documentation for more information about the CDR RA.

The cdr resource adaptor entity is configured to use the cdr-stream profile of the CdrStreamConfiguration profile table by default.

The output behaviour of the CDR resource adaptor can be customised by modifying this profile in accordance with the CDR RA Documentation.

Sentinel configuration requirements

The cdr RA entity must be configured with CdrFileType=Binary.

For more information about CDRs in the Sentinel platform, refer to:

  • Working with CDRs section of this administration guide to learn about the content of Sentinel CDRs.

  • Customising CDRs in the Extending Sentinel with the SDK guide to learn how to customise the format of the CDRs that Sentinel creates, as well as customising the data included in the CDRs.

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Sentinel VoLTE Public Version 2.7.1