Custom Route Header Parameters

Parameter Name Parameter Values Description used by


  • ro

  • cap

  • offline

This is a custom parameter on the URI of the top-most route header. It is expected that this will be added by the S-CSCF based on iFCs.

For more information see Session Processing.

DetermineChargeMode feature


  • scc

  • scc-anchor

  • scc-tads

  • mmtel

  • mmtel-scc

Indicates the selection of SCC or MMTel behaviour for an INVITE session. The values scc, scc-anchor, scc-tads and mmtel are used by DetermineVoltePlanId feature. The value mmtel-scc is used by the SIS composition to use Co-located mode as described here Co-location using the Rhino SIS.

For more information see Session Processing.

DetermineVoltePlanId feature



If present, indicates T-ADS should blindly attempt to route towards PS (only applicable if oc-mode is scc or mmtel-scc)

SCCTADSDataLookup feature


  • parallel

  • cs-only

  • ps-only

  • ps-cs

  • cs-ps

If set to parallel, indicates TADS should run the SCCTADSParallelRouting feature, if the parameter is not present or set to any other value SCCTADSRouting will run (only applicable if oc-mode is scc or mmtel-scc)

SCCTADSDataLookup feature

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Sentinel VoLTE Public Version 2.7.1