MAP usage

Within Sentinel VoLTE, the main users of MAP and the HLR are:

  • FetchMSRN features --- Used to retrieve a subscriber’s MSRN from the HLR via a Send Routing Info request.

  • SubscriberDataLookupFromHLR --- Used to retrieve supplementary service data used for applying MMTel services from the HLR via a Any Time Subscription Interrogation request.

Both features by default are bound to sis-in ra entity.

Link name Default Bound RA entity





IN SIS Resource Adaptor

Note Refer to the Service Interaction SLEE (SIS) for more information about the IN SIS resource adaptor.

IN SIS resource adaptor entity (sis-in) Configuration

Use the sis-console or SIS REM Module to modify the default SIS and sis-in configuration properties; see the SIS Administration Guide and SIS REM Module User Guide for more details on managing the SIS instance.

By default the sis-in is not configured. It should be set to an external interface for network integration.

Sentinel Configuration

Configuration for HLR communication is done via the HLRConfigProfileTable. This profile has the following fields:

Parameter Value Description


String encoding an SCCP Address

SCCP Address of the HLR, used when establishing the MAP dialog. Treated as a template when UseMsisdnAsHlrAddress is true.


String encoding an SCCP Address

SCCP Address of Sentinel, used when establishing the MAP dialog.


String encoding an SCCP Address

SCCP Address of Sentinel when Sentinel is acting as an MSC, used when establishing the MAP dialog. Will default to the value of SentinelSccpAddress if unset. Typically used to set a different originating SSN when sending a SendRoutingInformation message to the HLR.


String encoding an Address String

Address of Sentinel included in MAP requests.


Long representing milliseconds

The timeout for waiting the HLR response. Used in the TCAP layer for the invoke timeout.


int between 0 and 65535

A constant value used during the construction of the Call Reference Number



Controls whether to address the outbound HLR leg using a GT address formed by adding the subscriber MSISDN digits to the HLRSccpAddress above

SCCP Address Format

The configuration profile includes two SCCP addresses encoded in strings. Broadly speaking SCCP addresses come in two forms:

  • Point-Code Subsystem Number (PC-SSN)

  • Global Title Number (GT)

The string encoded format for an SCCP address takes the form of a comma separated series of key/value pairs. The exact set of valid keys varies between the two forms of SCCP address, and are outlined below.

Shared Key/Value Pairs

These keys are required in all SCCP Addresses.

Key Description Valid Values


SCCP Address Type

A7, C7, CH7, or J7


Routing Indicator

gt for Global Title addresses, pcssn or ssn for Point-Code addresses.

PC-SSN Specific Key/Value Pairs

These keys are required only in Point-Code Subsystem Number SCCP Addresses.

Key Description Valid Values


Point Code

Multiple formats (see below)


Subsystem Number

a number in the range 0-255

Point Code Formats Point codes can take the form of:

  • A single decimal value in the range 0-16777215, which supports all addressing formats up to 24-bits long expressed as a single number.

  • A '/' separated triple:

    • If type=C7 has been specified, an x/y/z triple is taken to mean the 3/8/3 bit fields of the zone/area/signal point address format.

    • If type=A7 or type=CH7, an x/y/z triple is taken to mean the 8/8/8 bit fields of the member/cluster/network address format.

Examples of a valid Point-Code SCCP Address

  • type=c7,ri=pcssn,pc=4012,ssn=123

  • type=c7,ri=pcssn,pc=1/245/7,ssn=123

GT Specific Key/Value Pairs

These keys are used only in Global Title SCCP Addresses. Of these keys, it is only mandatory to include digits in the encoded string.

Key Description Valid Values


Address digits

Any digits string


Address nature

international is the only value currently supported


Address numbering plan

isdn is the only value currently supported


Translation type

a number in the range 0-255


National Indicator

true or false


Global Tile Indicator

This value is automatically determined any may be omitted.

Examples of a valid GT SCCP Address

  • type=C7,ri=gt,digits=34607012345,nature=international,national=true

  • type=C7,ri=gt,digits=654444444,nature=international,numbering=isdn,tt=0,national=true

Address String Format

The configuration profile also includes an Address String encoded into a string. The string format is very similar to the GT SCCP Address format, however there are fewer keys and the key names are slightly different for equivalent value types.

Address String Key/Value Pairs

Key Description Valid Values


Address digits

Any digits string


Address nature

INTERNATIONAL is the only value currently supported


Address numbering plan

ISDN is the only value currently supported

Example of a valid Address String

  • address=653333333,nature=INTERNATIONAL,numberingPlan=ISDN

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Sentinel VoLTE Public Version 2.7.1