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In this mode the network default is to not restrict the originating user identity. If the originating user wishes to override the "no restriction" default the UE of the originating user will add Privacy header set to the value "id", "header" or "user".

If the OIRDefaultBehaviourType is set to PRESENTATION_NOT_RESTRICTED and the request received contains Privacy header with value set to "id" or "header" (user is temporarily requesting privacy) the AS of originating user shall either (as a matter of operator policy):

  • Add Privacy value set to "user", or

  • change the From header value to remove the originating user identity.

In the example below, AS change the From header to anonymous values while preserving the privacy header value:

INVITE incoming, Privacy requested in TEMPORARY mode with default behaviour of PRESENTATION_NOT_RESTRICTED
1: INVITE sip:userB_public1@home1.net;gr=2ad8950e-48a5-4a74-8d99-ad76cc7fc74c SIP/2.0
10: From: <sip:userA_public1@home1.net>;tag=171828
18: Contact: <sip:userA_public1@home1.net;gr=urn:uuid:388s9-48js9-37749-3774-usuw8u38;comp=sigcomp>;+g.3gpp.icsi - ref="urn%3Aurn-7%3gpp-service.ims.icsi.mmtel"
30: P-Asserted-Identity: "John Doe" <sip:userA_public1@home1.net>
30: Privacy: id
INVITE outgoing, Privacy respected, From header anonymized
1: INVITE sip:userB_public1@home1.net;gr=2ad8950e-48a5-4a74-8d99-ad76cc7fc74c SIP/2.0
10: From: <sip:anonymous@anonymous.invalid>;tag=637364
18: Contact: <sip:userA_public1@home1.net;gr=urn:uuid:388s9-48js9-37749-3774-usuw8u38;comp=sigcomp>;+g.3gpp.icsi - ref="urn%3Aurn-7%3gpp-service.ims.icsi.mmtel"
30: P-Asserted-Identity: "John Doe" <sip:userA_public1@home1.net>
31: Privacy: id


No action is required at AS of originating user. Unrestricted privacy level is overridden by UE setting the Privacy header value to an appropriate value (other than none).


AS of originating user shall set/adjust value of the Privacy header in the request received depending on precondition.

Precondition Action of AS originating user
Privacy header value contains id or header or both values
1. Set URI of the From header to sip:anonymous@anonymous.invalid
2. Set display name of the From header to "Anonymous"


AS of originating user shall set/adjust value of the Privacy header in the request received depending on precondition.

Precondition Action of AS originating user
No Privacy header
No action
Privacy header value set to none
No Action
Privacy header value set to header
Unless already included add value user
Privacy header value set to id
Unless already included add value user
Privacy header value set to id and header
Unless already included add value user


In this mode the network default is to restrict the originating user identity. The default is overridden by UE inserting Privacy header set to value "none" in a received request.

If request contains no Privacy header or the Privacy header is not set to the value of "none" then the AS of originating user shall insert Privacy header with value to "id" or "header" according to the Restriction Privacy Attribute.

In the example below the privacy option id is added (asserted identity restriction option):

INVITE incoming, Privacy overridden by UE, OIRMode=TEMPORARY and OIRDefaultBehaviourType=PRESENTATION_RESTRICTED
1: INVITE sip:userB_public1@home1.net;gr=2ad8950e-48a5-4a74-8d99-ad76cc7fc74c SIP/2.0
10: From: <sip:userA_public1@home1.net>;tag=171828
18: Contact: <sip:userA_public1@home1.net;gr=urn:uuid:388s9-48js9-37749-3774-usuw8u38;comp=sigcomp>;+g.3gpp.icsi - ref="urn%3Aurn-7%3gpp-service.ims.icsi.mmtel"
30: P-Asserted-Identity: "John Doe" <sip:userA_public1@home1.net>
30: Privacy: user

In the below example, the UE sets the privacy value of "none" in the received request indicates user’s preference to override the PRESENTATION_RESTRICTED default. In this case, headers P-Asserted-Identity and Privacy with value set to "none" will be forwarded by AS unchanged.

INVITE incoming, Privacy overridden by UE, OIRMode=TEMPORARY and OIRDefaultBehaviourType=PRESENTATION_RESTRICTED
1: INVITE sip:userB_public1@home1.net;gr=2ad8950e-48a5-4a74-8d99-ad76cc7fc74c SIP/2.0
10: From: <sip:userA_public1@home1.net>;tag=171828
18: Contact: <sip:userA_public1@home1.net;gr=urn:uuid:388s9-48js9-37749-3774-usuw8u38;comp=sigcomp>;+g.3gpp.icsi - ref="urn%3Aurn-7%3gpp-service.ims.icsi.mmtel"
30: P-Asserted-Identity: "John Doe" <sip:userA_public1@home1.net>
30: Privacy: none


AS of originating user shall set/adjust value of the Privacy header in the request received depending on precondition.

Precondition Action of AS originating user
No Privacy header
Add Privacy header set to value id
Privacy header value set to none
No Action
Privacy header value doesn’t include id
Add value id


AS of originating user shall set/adjust value of the Privacy header in the request received depending on precondition.

Precondition Action of AS originating user
No Privacy header
1. Add Privacy header set to value id
2. Set URI of the From header to sip:anonymous@anonymous.invalid
3. Set display name of the From header to "Anonymous"
Privacy header value set to none
No Action
Privacy header value doesn’t include id
1. Add value id
2. Set URI of the From header to sip:anonymous@anonymous.invalid
3. Set display name of the From header to "Anonymous"


AS of originating user shall set/adjust value of the Privacy header in the request received depending on precondition.

Precondition Action of AS originating user
No Privacy header
Add Privacy header set to value id and user
Privacy header value set to none
No Action
Privacy header value doesn’t include id
1. Add value id
2. Add value user unless already included


AS of originating user shall set/adjust value of the Privacy header in the request received depending on precondition.

Precondition Action of AS originating user
No Privacy header
Add Privacy header set to value header
Privacy header value set to none
No Action
Privacy header value doesn’t include header
Add value header


AS of originating user shall set/adjust value of the Privacy header in the request received depending on precondition.

Precondition Action of AS originating user
No Privacy header
1. Add Privacy header set to value header
2. Set URI of the From header to sip:anonymous@anonymous.invalid
3. Set display name of the From header to "Anonymous"
Privacy header value set to none
No Action
Privacy header value doesn’t include header
1. Add value header
2. Set URI of the From header to sip:anonymous@anonymous.invalid
3. Set display name of the From header to "Anonymous"


AS of originating user shall set/adjust value of the Privacy header in the request received depending on precondition.

Precondition Action of AS originating user
No Privacy header
Add Privacy header set to value header and user
Privacy header value set to none
No Action
Privacy header value doesn’t include header
1. Add value header
2. Add value user unless already included


In a simple scenario, the AS of the originating user must inspect the identity of the originating caller.

  • If Privacy header is not present AS must insert Privacy header set to header information

  • If Privacy header is present and does not include values "id" or "header" corresponding to subscription restriction option AS must insert the appropriate value.

  • If Privacy header is present and includes value "none" this value must be removed

The Privacy value of "id" is selected when "restrict asserted identity" restriction option is subscribed to. The Privacy value of "header" is selected when "restrict all private header information" restriction option is subscribed to.

Additionally, as an operator option From header can be anonymized or Privacy header value "user" added. The latter shall mandate AS of terminating user to anonymize all user configurable headers before forwarding the request to terminating P-CSCF. In case of internetworking, IBCF will be responsible for stripping identity headers and anonymizing other headers before forwarding the request into untrusted network.

Where From header is required to be anonymized the URI value shall be set to the value "sip:anonymous@anonymous.invalid".

Typically, the originating UE would already have the Privacy header value set correctly, however, since UE is considered to be untrusted entity AS must apply these procedures.

Example of Privacy header received from S-CSCF without privacy being requested by UE:

INVITE incoming, no Privacy
1: INVITE sip:userB_public1@home1.net;gr=2ad8950e-48a5-4a74-8d99-ad76cc7fc74c SIP/2.0
10: From: <sip:userA_public1@home1.net>;tag=171828
18: Contact: <sip:userA_public1@home1.net;gr=urn:uuid:388s9-48js9-37749-3774-usuw8u38;comp=sigcomp>;+g.3gpp.icsi - ref="urn%3Aurn-7%3gpp-service.ims.icsi.mmtel"
30: P-Asserted-Identity: "John Doe" <sip:userA_public1@home1.net>
30: Privacy: none

AS adjusts the value of Privacy header by removing "none" and adding "id" (restrict asserted identity option):

INVITE outgoing, Privacy set
1: INVITE sip:userB_public1@home1.net;gr=2ad8950e-48a5-4a74-8d99-ad76cc7fc74c SIP/2.0
10: From: <sip:userA_public1@home1.net>;tag=637364
18: Contact: <sip:userA_public1@home1.net;gr=urn:uuid:388s9-48js9-37749-3774-usuw8u38;comp=sigcomp>;+g.3gpp.icsi - ref="urn%3Aurn-7%3gpp-service.ims.icsi.mmtel"
30: P-Asserted-Identity: "John Doe" <sip:userA_public1@home1.net>
31: Privacy: id

Example of anonymization of the From header in the outgoing INVITE (operator option):

INVITE outgoing, Privacy set, From header anonymized
1: INVITE sip:userB_public1@home1.net;gr=2ad8950e-48a5-4a74-8d99-ad76cc7fc74c SIP/2.0
10: From: <sip:anonymous@anonymous.invalid>;tag=637364
18: Contact: <sip:userA_public1@home1.net;gr=urn:uuid:388s9-48js9-37749-3774-usuw8u38;comp=sigcomp>;+g.3gpp.icsi - ref="urn%3Aurn-7%3gpp-service.ims.icsi.mmtel"
30: P-Asserted-Identity: "John Doe" <sip:userA_public1@home1.net>
31: Privacy: id


AS of originating user shall set/adjust value of the Privacy header in the request received depending on precondition.

Precondition Action of AS originating user
No Privacy header
Insert header "Privacy: id"
Privacy header value set to none
Replace value none with id
Privacy header exists but doesn’t include value id
Add value id


  • Replace URI of the From header to sip:anonymous@anonymous.invalid

  • Set the From header display name to "Anonymous"


AS of originating user shall set/adjust value of the Privacy header in the request received depending on precondition.

Precondition Action of AS originating user
No Privacy header
Insert header "Privacy: id;user"
Privacy header value set to none
Replace value none with id;user
Privacy header exists but doesn’t include value id or user
Add value id or user to make sure both are included


AS of originating user shall set/adjust value of the Privacy header in the request received depending on precondition.

Precondition Action of AS originating user
No Privacy header
Insert header "Privacy: header"
Privacy header value set to none
Replace value none with header
Privacy header exists but doesn’t include value header
Add value header


  • Replace URI of the From header to sip:anonymous@anonymous.invalid

  • Set the From header display name to "Anonymous"


AS of originating user shall set/adjust value of the Privacy header in the request received depending on precondition.

Precondition Action of AS originating user
No Privacy header
Insert header "Privacy: header;user"
Privacy header value set to none
Replace value none with header;user
Privacy header exists but doesn’t include value header or user
Add value header or user to make sure both are included
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Sentinel VoLTE Public Version 2.7.1