This feature sets values for the Feature-Caps header on outgoing messages based on data from the session’s FeatureCapsManager

Feature cheat sheet

B2BUA Instance SAS Support Originating / Terminating Point in Session Plan Network Operator Data Subscriber Data Stateful or Stateless POJO Feature or SBB Feature



Originating and Terminating

SipAccess_SubscriberCheck, SipAccess_PartyRequest, SipAccess_PartyResponse, SipAccess_ServiceTimer, SipInstructionExecutionFailure, SipMidSession_PartyRequest, SipMidSession_PartyResponse, SipEndSession





Session input variables

Session State variable name Variable type Comments


Contains information about which Feature-Caps header values should be applied to outgoing messages on each SIP leg


FeatureCapsManagement statistics are tracked by the volte.sentinel.sip SBB and can be found under the following parameter set in REM:
SLEE-Usage → volte.sentinel.sip service → volte.sentinel.sip SBB → feature → FeatureCapsManagement
or with rhino-stats:

Name Description

Incremented each time the feature runs


Incremented when a fatal error occurs before feature execution


Incremented when a non-fatal error occurs during feature execution


Incremented when a fatal error occurs during feature execution


Incremented when feature execution does not complete within a reasonable time frame


Incremented when the feature removes Feature-Caps parameter values from a message


Incremented when the feature adds Feature-Caps parameter values to a message


This feature interacts with the session’s FeatureCapsManager interface and its associated LegFeatureCapsHandler interfaces. These interfaces are documented in the Sentinel VoLTE SPI Javadoc.

When invoked, the FeatureCapsManagement feature iterates over all SIP legs associated with the current session. For each leg, the feature will check if there is a LegFeatureCapsHandler for that leg in the session’s FeatureCapsManager. If there is a LegFeatureCapsHandler for the leg, the feature will look for SIP INVITE requests and responses in the leg’s outgoing message queue. Each INVITE request or response found in the queue will be processed as described below. Each individual message in the queue will only be processed once (i.e. if the feature is invoked multiple times before a given message is sent, that message will only be processed on the first time that it is seen).

Values to Strip

When a message is processed, the feature will first determine if the LegFeatureCapsHandler has any Feature-Caps values to strip. If so, the feature will look for those values on any existing Feature-Caps header on the message. If the values are found, they will be removed from the given header.

Values to Add

After stripping values, the feature will check the LegFeatureCapsHandler for Feature-Caps values to add to the message. If values are found, then a new Feature-Caps header will be appended to the message. The new header will contain all of the values to add.

It is possible for the LegFeatureCapsHandler to indicate that new Feature-Caps values are currently suppressed for the leg. If this is the case, the feature will forgo adding any new Feature-Caps values to the outgoing message.

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Sentinel VoLTE Public Version 2.7.1