Sentinel includes features for testing purposes:

Feature Description


This feature starts (calls startFeature()) but does not finish (it never calls featureHasFinished()). It is intended for testing Sentinel feature timeout behaviour for incorrectly designed features


This feature sets the “NotificationMessage” session state field to the string “notification”


Test Set Announcement ID


This SS7 feature throws a RuntimeException when run


This SS7 feature throws a RuntimeException on SS7 callbacks (e.g. SS7 aborts, disconnects, etc.)


This SS7 feature will attempt a follow on call when run in the BPartyNotEstablished execution point. The new b-party address for the follow on call is set in the TestFollowOnCallSessionState.


This SS7 feature will send a FurnishChargingInformation and (optionally) send a delimiter when run in the PostCreditCheck or BPartyNotEstablished_PostCC execution points. It will also accept the dialog if necessary to send the FCI.


This SS7 feature sets the “UserReleaseCause” session state field to Cause.CauseValue.CLASS1_INVALID_NUMBER_FORMAT (0x1c)

com.opencloud.sentinel.feature.common.test.TestSetSessionState Test

bxref:test-set-session-state[Set Session State}


This SIP feature randomly sets the “RouteHeaderURI” session state field to either “scscf1:5160” or “scscf2:5160”

Important These features are included for test purposes and may not be suitable for use in production environments.
Note Some (or all) of these features may not be available in a given Sentinel release.
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Sentinel Express Version 2.9.0