The Call Barring feature is a network operator barring feature. That is, it is intended for barring/allowing calls to specific numbers at network and plan scope.


Feature name


Applicable contexts

SS7 service

SAS Support


Prerequisite features

It is run pre credit check, early in the feature list (but always after the emergency number feature). If the barring algorithm returns a match, then the feature returns an instruction to the Sentinel core to release the call and close with no further intervention from Sentinel.

The default release cause value is CLASS1_CALL_REJECTED. This value may be overridden by configuration.

Note This feature is for network operator wide barring. It is not a per subscriber barring feature.

Session state inputs and outputs


Name Type Format Description Behaviour if null/invalid



selection key (for example, '<platform>::::')

For selecting configuration data

Report featureCannotStart, featureHasFinished




InitialDP which triggered this session, from which the CalledPartyBCDNumber will be read

Report featureCannotStart, featureHasFinished



One of: MobileOriginating, MobileTerminating, MobileForwarded, NetworkInitiated, EmergencyCall

Barring will only be performed for mobile originating calls

Report featureCannotStart, featureHasFinished


This feature does not write to session state.

Error scenarios

Scenario Handling

Trigger not instance of DialogOpenRequestEvent

Report featureCannotStart

Null sessionstate SentinelSelectionKey

Report featureCannotStart

InitialDP not CAP

Report featureCannotStart

Null sessionstate CallType

Report featureCannotStart

InitialDP does not contain a CalledPartyBCDNumber

Report featureCannotStart

Feature responses

Response Reason


SessionState SentinelSelectionKey is not set, protocol is not CAP, session type has not been set, or InitialDP does not contain a CalledPartyBCDNumber


call is barred


feature has finished

Determining if a call is to be barred

The Call Barring feature analyses the InitialDP to determine whether to request barring of the call:

IF call is not a mobile originating call THEN
    do not barr call

IF idp.calledPartyBCDNumber does not match using longest prefix match in black list THEN
    do not barr call

IF idp.calledPartyBCDNumber does not match using longest prefix match in white list THEN
        barr call

do not barr call

Triggers and application contexts

Application Contexts:

  • cap-v2-gsmSSF-to-gsmSCF-AC

  • capssf_scfGenericAC (CAP3).

The InitialDP will be triggered on DP2 (Collected_Info).

Typical call flow

  • MSC ---- OpenRequest -→ Sentinel

  • MSC ---- IDP(Cdpn=123) -→ Sentinel

  • MSC ←-- OpenAccept --- Sentinel

  • MSC ←-- Release(cause) --- Sentinel


The CallBarring feature configuration profile includes the following attributes:

Parameters Type Description



Release cause to be set for barred calls

The feature also maintains two Sentinel address lists: a black list and a white list containing the barring configuration. Numbers are matched using longest prefix.

  • The black list defines numbers to be barred.

  • The white list defines numbers to be allowed and overrides the black list.

The feature applies the barring configuration to all subscribers with the matching Sentinel selection key.

Configuration profile naming

Configuration Profile Table Name Description Profile Naming


CallBarring feature configuration parameters

SentinelSelectionKey (for example, OpenCloud::::)

Black and White List configuration profile naming

Configuration Profile Table Name Description Profile Naming


Address list configuration

${SELECTIONKEY}:CallBarring:BlackList or ${SELECTIONKEY}:CallBarring:WhiteList

${PLATFORMOPERATOR}_Sentinel_AddressListEntryTable Feature specific

Address List entry table

${SELECTIONKEY}:CallBarring:BlackList:${ADDRESS}, ${SELECTIONKEY}:CallBarring:WhiteList:${ADDRESS}

Provisioning interfaces

The feature is provisioned using the Sentinel Features REST API or web interface.

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Sentinel Express Version 2.9.0