The main Scenario Editor interface consists of the menubar, toolbar, scenario list, dialog list, message flows, and status panel, as follows:

Includes these menus:

  • File — operations such as adding, saving, and printing scenarios

  • Edit — operations such as adding new roles, dialogs, messages, and editing scenario properties

  • Tools — tools such as the Schema Browser and Alias Browser

  • Plugins — plugins supplied by OpenCloud to provide additional formats for scenario creation and export.

  • Help — documentation, build information, and sample scenarios.

1 menu


Buttons for the same functions as the Edit menu.

Can be undocked from the main interface.

2 toolbar

Scenario list

Tabs listing open scenarios.

2a tabs

Dialog list

The first part of the Call Flow Editor, a list of dialogs in the loaded scenario (this example shows one called SSP-SCP which uses the INAP protocol).

3 dialogs

Message flows

The second part of the Call Flow Editor, for the loaded scenario, shows:

  • roles — named boxes (in this example, SSP-Loadgen and SCP-Rhino)

  • messages — named arrows between the roles (direction indicates direction sent).

Tip Click to select components, double-click to edit, drag to re-arrange, or press Delete to delete — see Editing Scenarios.

The currently selected messages are highlighted with a blue border.

4 flows

Status panel

Shows any problems with the currently edited scenario (in this example the scenario has none).

Errors are marked in red, and warnings are marked in brown.

A scenario with errors cannot be simulated, while a scenario with only warnings can still be simulated.

5 status

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