You can use the Shift and Ctrl keys, and click and drag, to select multiple callflow and message elements.

Callflow elements

You can hold down the Shift and Ctrl keys while clicking, or click and drag to select multiple callflow elements. The following examples start with just the gsmSSF role selected in this scenario:

select scenario

To…​ Do this Example

…​add (or remove) an individual role, dialog, or message to (or from) the selection


ctrl click flow

…​select a role, dialog, or message — and all elements associated with it


shift click flow

…​add a role, dialog, or message — and all elements associated with it — to the selection


ctrl shift click flow

…​select multiple elements

drag a selection lasso around them.


Message elements

You can hold down the Shift and Ctrl keys while clicking to select multiple message elements:

To…​ Do this

…​select more than one message element

Ctrl-click each.

…​select a range of message elements

click the first element, then Shift-click the last.


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